I’m pleased that I am a confirmed speaker at the #SantaFe #Handsoff rally on April 5. Will be addressing Trump regime assault on rule of law, civil liberties, and the legal profession. https://mobilize.us/s/4I8vvl
Well that is unexpected. I guess the forces of Spring have decided to arrive en masse over the next few days in #SantaFe #NewMexico.
Cablebús Línea 3 at #vascodequiroga #santafe needs a bus stop curb cut so traffic isn't stopped waiting for bus boarding. #cdmx #movilidadintegrada
That’s some WICKED wind in #EldoradoAtSantaFe and #SantaFe this afternoon. Everyone’s recycling cart is blown over, even the ones that had multiple rocks on the lid this morning. Got my arm wrenched by our now-half-full cart whipping past me in the driveway. Guessing most of our missing recycling will end up in Texas or Oklahoma. #NMwx
I keep expecting this to get boring & it continues to be a blast. I’ve been leaving these in random hiding spots around town and it’s been so fun to see how people interact with them.
Gray and (by some definition) snow fell in town, looks like a few inches up in the mountains; sunny now: https://www.gocomics.com/richards-poor-almanac/2021/07/14
Mom has been collecting rocks from the xeriscaped neighborhood to crochet them covers and will be releasing them back.
Next Thursday's Design Corps Coffee changes things up a bit, we're going to be sharing (and asking for) skills and resources, a real opportunity for some good conversation among creatives. New location at Henry and the Fish, downtown, all are welcome: https://design-corps.org/events/corps-coffee/25-03-20/
Santa Fe is the oldest state capital in the United States. The community was founded in 1610 as the capital of the Spanish province, transitioning through periods of Spanish, Mexican, and US territorial rule, becoming the capital of New Mexico in 1912. #travel #NewMexico #daytrip #roadtrip #SantaFe
Work in Progress Sunset, Diablo Canyon Oil On Linen 12" x18"
Just starting this one, so it's a mess still.
Ok, now I've got even more questions. If one of them died one-week apart, and both died of natural causes, why didn't either one of them contact a funeral home and arrange burial? Makes no freaking sense! #GeneHackman #death #SantaFe
Following the mysterious reported death of #GeneHackman & his wife at their home in #SantaFe, PrimeVideo is currently streaming a number of his most notable films
Yesterday, I watched #EnemyOfTheState in which he played a supporting role & I'm currently watching #FrenchConnection2.
I believe that #Hossiers, #TheUnforgiven & #CrimsonTide are also available to be streamed on Prime Video.