Awesome work by #NASA portraying #Ocean currents.
Imagine this with #Mercator . What you see in this video is called the #PerspectiveMapProjection.
Awesome work by #NASA portraying #Ocean currents.
Imagine this with #Mercator . What you see in this video is called the #PerspectiveMapProjection.
Happy birthday to Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594) renown Flemish cartographer.
What made Mercator a great #cartographer, was in fact his abilities as a #mathematician -and like those of us scientists who feel compelled also to create art he was wasn’t hindered by his immense ability as an engraver. He produced beautiful world maps (a version of which is depicted in this print), globes, 1/n
Heute ist #TagderVermessung.
#OnThisDay 1512 wurde der Geo- und Kartograph Gerhard #Mercator geboren.
Er entwickelte eine Kartendarstellung, die besonders winkeltreu ist und deshalb bis heute verwendet wird: die Mercator-Projektion
Mercator Misconceptions - Clever Map Shows the True Size of Countries [Especially In High Latitudes]
-- <-- shared technical article
-- <-- shared Equal Earth map projection details [the poster’s recommended global projection for many use cases]
[note the ‘true’ size of high latitude landmasses like Greenland and Canada (and Russia as well); note also that the Mercator Projection was not / is not a ‘tool of colonialism’, geopolitics or the like, it was/is ‘simply’ a very clever projection to aid in marine navigation]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #projection #Greenland #Canada #Russia #size #landarea #projection #mapprojection #JustSayNoToGallPeters #equalarea #Mercator #marine #nautical #navigation #spheroid #globe #area #shape #direction #equalearth #Africa #rhomb #rhomblines
The real reason Trump wants Greenland is because he only uses #Mercator maps.
Mercator: "...but Northern countries ARE just larger than equatorial ones!"
Freud: "Gerardus, there's only one way I can say this..."
@tagesschau die #Landkarte ist offensichtlich völlig ungeeignet um zu zeigen, dass Grönland sechsmal so groß wie Deutschland ist. Auch der eingeblendete Maßstab gilt in hohen Breiten nicht. #Mercator ist für die Polarregionen völlig ungeeignet! @TerribleMaps
@koriander Something's wrong with #Mercator in that picture. The islands should be way bigger than with #Mollweide
begone #mercator and your colonialismus!
Very disappointed to see Prof. Michael Clarke involved in this. A video published by #SkyNews days ago portrays distances on the #Mercator projection, misinforming the public on the real range of #Russia 's #WMDs.
This is a very obvious misuse of #cartography, that cannot possibly be a mistake.
Periodic reminder of how large #Australia is.
Given its incredible natural resource endowment (even more so on a per-capita basis), absence of land borders and a benign environment it is hard to justify why we cannot be more independent.
Detailed analysis of the dramatic events in #Russia the past few days. Some observers are calling this a watershed moment, turning the tide in favour of #Ukraine. We shall see.
Note however that and @noelreports seem to be measuring distances on the #Mercator projection.
Schau mal:,46.52553
Auf dem Mobilgerät einen Punkt lange gedrückt halten, um ihn als neuen #Nordpol zu setzen. Die #Mercatorprojektion wird dann neu berechnet und Du kannst beliebig in der Karte zoomen und scrollen.
#mercator #gis #geography #maps #projection
Gibt es eigentlich irgendwo eine Art movable Mercatorprojektion, also eine (Welt-)karte, die ich live durch die Mercatorprojektion scrollen und rollen kann?
Am Ende sogar online??
A #map in the #wild. Turned around this evening in the #pub #urinal (not before I’d finished!) to see this peeling #wall paint. Can you see a #Mercator northern hemisphere #global projection here? It struck me immediately!
FYI I hate Mercator projections. If I’m forced to put #north at the top of my maps, then I choose #EqualEarth projections. I disavow Mercator’s #imperialist #global view of the world. As a #medieval (ist) #East is always top of any map I draw anyway! #Orientate your #Maps.
No one ever asks "Why did Joe Mercator never have to buy another bottle of maple syrup or vodka ever again?" Who benefited most?
Might be that I just released version 0.62.1 of #TinyWeatherForecastGermany .
The #changelog :
The perhaps biggest change is the switch to an #osm #map in #mercator projection.
The weather warnings and the rain radar are more accurate now, and the map is more detailed.
Also, you now can (again) resize all widgets without an upper size limit.
Fingers crossed that #fdroid will build the new version without issues.
Have fun!
Love this:
(Math-friends: have a look here: