My instance has been upgraded to Mastodon v4.3.4. No issues.
Is there a way on Mastodon to see all content that our users produce?
The "Local timeline" only shows initial posts, and not replies to other content.
/cc @Gargron has been upgraded from Mastodon 4.2 to 4.3. #Mastodon #MastodonAdmin #upgrade
Hello #MastoAdmin, is anybody using #Contabo for their object storage and VPS? In my instance, I notice that when media (even small ones) are fetched for the first time, they take up to 15 seconds (then it gets fast as they are cached). Both VPS and object storage are from Contabo.
Did anybody experience something similar? The delay only occurs when I try to access the media URL from my VPS (also with curl and wget) — no delay from my local computer. Thanks! #Mastodon #MastodonAdmin
Weiß jemand, wie #Mastodon #Instanzen untereinander agieren?
Ich #frage für die tolle, neue Instanz
Dort stellen sich Accounts, denen ich mit diesem Account folge, ganz anders dar. Z.B. sehe ich über punkstodon Antworten auf einen Beitrag (den ich von hier geteilt habe) nicht.
Kommt das mit der Zeit, weil die Instanz so neu ist? Oder muss die neue Instanz "aktiv" föderiert werden?
#Admin #MastodonAdmin
Does anyone have a good guide on how to increase toots character limits w/ Mastodon on docker-compose? I seem to be failing...
An die ganzen deutschen Fediverse admins / Mastodon admins :
habt ihr schon mal Abmahnungen kassiert?
hat sich die Gema schon gemeldet, wenn Leute bei euch "videos" hochladen?
Bin am überlegen was in die Richtung aufzusetzen, habe vor dem ganzen Problemen dadurch aber schon bedenken....
Gerne retröt.
If you find yourself in a situation like this:
1) I have moved the official CSG and Critical Point Mastodon accounts from and to and respectively
2) I have updated the rel="me" links on both and to point to the new accounts
3) However, somehow the old accounts were still showing as verified and the new accounts weren't.
The solution was:
To go into the "Public Profile" tab under the new accounts' Preferences and hit "Save Changes" again. This apparently caused my Masto instance to reevaluate their verification status.
(Plausibly I should also go into the old accounts' settings and resave them as well to drop the verification badges, but Masto won't let me do that and they're going away, so enh whatever.)
How do I report a mastodon bug?
Who do I report a bug to?
Mastodon crashes in 4 browsers when I try to reply to a reply to a post (respond to a comment to a post).
404 HelpNotFound
I am curious:
How does my Mastodon app (Mastodon for Android v2.9.0(128)) know my actual IP address while I am using a VPN?
[EDIT: Nope, my bad. All is working properly.]
This is not a problem for me, it's just something I would like to understand.
Thank you for any links / info to point me in the right direction!
Ugh part 2: the files with my mastodon container are now owned by root and there is no way I can modify the character limit...#mastodon #mastodonadmin
#mastodon #mastodonadmin. Lesson learned: never forget to check the release notes:
Forgot to run the dbase migration
Ugh, upgraded my docket #mastodon to 4.3.1 I can see that all the accounts are still there, but there is no local timeline, and no posts at all, Anyone tips? #mastodonadmin #Dockercompose
Managed to take a little break from being a #MastodonAdmin last week and I don't think I realised how much I needed it!