@Kagi Why erase the history of many small-web-oriented, non-commercial, community-ran search engines that came before yours like #MarginaliaSearch?
Just to sell your product? That's a bit distasteful.
@Kagi Why erase the history of many small-web-oriented, non-commercial, community-ran search engines that came before yours like #MarginaliaSearch?
Just to sell your product? That's a bit distasteful.
@marginalia Small feedback on the new design since I use Marginalia as my main search engine: on mobile, the options in the sidebar are now unlabelled icons, and I'm not sure what exactly they do without rotating the screen to see the label.
In the old design, they were text-only and I knew exactly what I was switching on or off: vintage, tildes, no JS and such.
I use those filter options extensively and it'd be nice if that was changed somehow.
Marginalia Search is a digital tool that is actually, deeply useful and necessary. It’s also super cool to explore.
Procrastination warning!
Har uppskattat den nya 'Explore'-fanan på den nya versionen av #MarginaliaSearch de senaste dagarna.
@marginalia built an independent search engine from scratch.
Marginalia prioritizes non-commercial content written by real people, taking you away from the endless trackers, AI spam and SEO blogs pushed by the modern web.
Learn more in my interview with him: https://perephoneia.art/marginalia-a-new-lens-for-the-internet/
New blog post, about last week's misadventures in the #marginaliasearch code base.
The bards of yore weren't lying about the whole 'the years start coming and they don't stop coming'-thing.
It's somehow the three year anniversary for #marginaliasearch.
#MarginaliaSearch went down for an hour during an upgrade. Migrated to the new bleeding edge branch of the code. Expected a speed-up, but did not expect cutting the web response time in half xD
Guess all that refactoring wasn't for nothing...
Good news, everyone! New #marginaliasearch bugfix release.
Pushed a change to #MarginaliaSearch that does basic results clustering. Still missing a bit of polish, and only currently enabled for the 'wiki', 'forum' and 'docs' filters, but I think it might be a good change.
#MarginaliaSearch v2024.01.0 is released. Bunch of new features, including the ability to run it as a self-hostable barebones #searchengine backend.
Here's a demo:
"Contributing Editors: Peggy McIntosh and Ellen Louise Hart"
I laughed a bit about the academicians being old hands at it and anticipating the preliminary readings the students would do of Emily Dickinson works and just batting it away in their teaching guide, with aplomb
#MarginaliaSearch with academic filter
"Until I started researching this project, I thought that all of those old railroad-car-style diners I've seen over the years were built out of actual railroad cars. It turns out that relatively few ever saw life on the rails. But the railroad dining cars, with their bench seating and single long aisle, turned out to be a good "prototype" for any restaurant owner whose business plan depended on getting people in, served, and out quickly."
Working on cleaning up for the next proper release of the #MarginaliaSearch software. Last week has been crazy productive. The "done" part of my list for this hardly fits the screen <.<
The UX part of the internal admin GUI has felt very rough and questionable, but it's really beginning to come together. I've also nearly finished an install-mode for a whitelabel "un-marginalia'd" version of the engine.
Even though it's a bit of an infinity project, it feels good to have milestones.
"In 2021 Georgian filmmaker Salomé Jashi released Taming The Garden, a documentary about the creation of the Shekvetili Dendrological Park. Bidzina Ivanishvili, a Georgian oligarch-turned-politician who minted his $6 billion fortune in Russia, spent five years collecting over 200 old-growth trees from around the country, which he had transplanted in a park of his own design next to his estate on the Black Sea."
(That I GUESS jpg)
Just learned about Marginalia search:
"This is an independent DIY search engine that focuses on non-commercial content, and attempts to show you sites you perhaps weren't aware of in favor of the sort of sites you probably already knew existed.”
That aesthetically appealing pattern on the rocket just stuck to me. And looking for its inspiration led to its checkered past (sorry, couldn't resist that wording)
Knowing the era, it was a fair probability. #MarginaliaSearch
@IPXFong Not fully answering the question but this #SmallWeb search engine, #MarginaliaSearch may interest you
> The aim of the project is to develop new and alternative discovery methods for the Internet. It's an experimental workshop as much as it is a public service, the overarching goal is to elevate the more human, non-commercial sides of the Internet. A side-goal is to do this without requiring datacenters and expensive enterprise hardware