"The actual play-by-play of the [Montgomery] bus boycott is a reminder that meaningful acts of refusal have come not directly from fear, anger, and hysteria, but rather from the clarity and attention that makes organizing possible."
- Jenny Odell
Since my leave of absence from work starts today, here's my reading list:
#HowToDoNothing by Jenny Odell
#RestIsResistance by Tricia Hersey
#NoShortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age by Jane McAlevey
#YouDeserveATechUnion by @beep
If you have any recs for books along similar #anticapitalism and #collectivebargaining veins, please let me know! #bookstodon
Taking this book kind of literally. #howtodonothing
#Reading Jenny Odell's #HowToDoNothing call to reclaim attention from advertising social networks to retain more will and more connection->sensitivity->attentiveness to place and region. Discusses #mastodon briefly towards the end as well as #ssb, I quite like the idea of a home-based pub/instance for when folks visit, in our case almost a Guestbook (and echoes early bbs and web guestbooks). It is a beautiful book of non-traditonal art criticism and contextualism as well.