otra de #twitter y su supuesta #verificación Enlace Hacktivista
#GuacamayaLeaks no tiene redes sociales, la cuenta https://twitter.com/GuacamayanLeaks es falsa
-> https://enlacehacktivista.org/index.php?title=Fuerzas_Represivas
otra de #twitter y su supuesta #verificación Enlace Hacktivista
#GuacamayaLeaks no tiene redes sociales, la cuenta https://twitter.com/GuacamayanLeaks es falsa
-> https://enlacehacktivista.org/index.php?title=Fuerzas_Represivas
Powerful point of view from Luis Fernando Garcia about the real threat to democracy in Mexico being the concentration of the power of the military, not the so called cyber crimes. Then the first question the moderator raises, is whether Mexico needs a new cyber security law to criminalize hacking? #Sedenaleaks #DDoSecrets #Guacamayaleaks
Garcia says R3D still has ongoing investigations which use this dataset, and it's a long process. And he reiterates that under the constitution, they have a right to research this dataset, and they are willing to take that to court if anyone challenges it. He is convinced that the research into #Sedenaleaks are in the public interest. #GuacamayaLeaks #DDoSecrets
She says the leaks are essential for documenting how the public forces are failing the public, like their lack of resources invested in sexual assault investigations. #Sedenaleaks She says cybersecurity must include awareness of human rights and gender based violence. She says there are groups who can speak to this, including the revelation about sexual assaults in the military that #Sedenaleaks revealed, and these groups are missing from this current conversation. #DDoSecrets #GuacamayaLeaks
Watching the panel at UNAM talking about the #GuacamayaLeaks in Mexico, #SEDENAleaks https://fb.watch/iQJqFbnlEl/ #DDoSecrets
Verdades incorruptas. ¿Quiere la lista del INE que @MovCiudadanoMX subió a un servidor de Amazon en 2018? ¿Quiere lo último de los #guacamayaleaks? ¿Quiere los datos biometricos de todos los que metieron sus caras a #Lensa? Se lo vendemos werito.
mañana Jueves 17 a las 17:00 voy a compartir un poquillo sobre
#GuacamayaLeaks en el 39 aniversario de la fundación del #EZLN
en la toma de la Comunidad #indigena Otomi residente en #CDMX Av. Mexico-Coyocán 343, Col Xoco, MX
Infobae is reporting that the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación or CJNG attacked a private health clinic in Guanajuato that allegedly was used by a rival cartel to treat its injured: https://www.infobae.com/america/mexico/2022/11/08/sicarios-del-cjng-abrieron-fuego-e-incendiaron-una-clinica-ligada-al-cartel-de-santa-rosa-de-lima/ CJNG is one of the cartels that is at war in Ecuador for control of cocaine trade routes in Esmeraldas and Guayas. Mexican media outlets are reporting that CJNG found out that the Clínica San Fermín's role from #GuacamayaLeaks. This has not been confirmed, though.
In 2020, El Salvador's Police Intelligence identified the Vice Minister of Security as part of criminal structures https://elfaro.net/es/202211/el_salvador/26442/Inteligencia-Policial-del-actual-Gobierno-perfila-a-Osiris-Luna-como-un-delincuente.htm #DDoSecrets #GuacamayaLeaks
Leaked SEDENA files show that the Mexican Army's focus was on social media exploitation and not investigation after an "historic seizure" https://www.tribuna.com.mx/sonora/2022/11/5/guacamaya-sedena-uso-decomiso-historico-en-navojoa-para-buscar-likes-en-redes-sociales-313660.html #GuacamayaLeaks #FuerzasRepresivas #EnlaceHacktivista #DDoSecrets
"Guacamayaleaks: EZLN blanco de constante espionaje por Sedena"
Entérate | #GuacamayaLeaks: Sedena espía EZLN por posibles acciones de los zapatistas contra los megaproyectos de AMLO
Hemos visto y sentido el horror de la guerra.
Vinieron desde lejos proclamando banderas,
las naciones se apoderaron de nuestros pueblos,
nos cortaron las trenzas,
nos vistieron a su modo,
nos pusieron militares, policias,
jueces y fiscales para atarnos los pies,
y más aun el pensamiento.