Is it to much of an ask to have Apple Notes to support Markdown?!
Is it to much of an ask to have Apple Notes to support Markdown?!
55 seconds to learn the quick, easy, right (AND TOTALLY UNINTUITIVE, APPLE) way to link #AppleNotes to #AppleReminders
Readwise Reader now syncs highlights to Apple Notes
I’ve been using Readwise Reader for the past few years as both an RSS client and a read-it-later service. I subscribe to all my favorite blogs and news sources within the app. My workflow typically involves swiping through the day’s articles, saving some to my read-later list, and catching up on them when I have time. One of Readwise’s standout features is its ability to capture highlights from both web articles and Kindle books, automatically syncing them to your preferred notes […]
The family computer needs replacing. I thought I would move away from Apple. However, my wife and son would like to stay within the Apple ecosystem. Here's what I have come up with so far.
Obviously, the prices and hardware could change by the time I make the purchase.
So, I have been looking for a new notes app to replace #orgmode for years. I tried #obsidian and liked it enough, but it seemed fiddly. I like #applenotes enough, but it doesn't directly support markdown.
I am liking #AnyType. I have built a workable system over the past few weeks, and it's really hasn't let me down. Other than I can't figure out where the #API is.
#AppleNotes really needs native Markdown support. Been trying to get a markdown url link to append into an Apple Note corectly without success. Same shortcut to put it into a Craft note took less than 2 minutes and it just works...
ChatGPT su macOS: supporto esteso a nuove App
#Aggiornamento #AI #Apple #AppleNotes #ChatGPT #ChatGPTPlus #Integrazione #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Mac #macOS #Notion #Notizie #Novità #OpenAI #Quip #TechNews #Tecnologia
Are you one of the ones affected by this bug where all of your iPhone notes have gone missing in the Apple Notes app? There's a fix!
Toying with the idea of migrating to #Obsidian. I've imported a couple notebooks from #Evernote to #AppleNotes, but I have 2 years of data on Notion that can't be imported there. Also, Apple Notes on Windows via iCloud web interface does not handle images. Most of my work note-taking involves screenshots.
Apple Notes on my Mac has 384 notes. My iPhone has 394 notes. Something tells me there's an issue.
On a serious 'note', I am seriously thinking about ditching Apple Notes. Sync issues, app crashes and a lack of quality control by Apple make me doubtful about using it long-term.
Why do so many apps, and especially #AppleNotes (that does so much else good), not get paragraph spacing right??
My Biggest Small Gripe With Apple Notes
(And (Obviously) Objectively Correct Principles for Paragraph Spacing)
#Allheimen #Apple #Typography
Does anyone use the #ApplePencil to create text notes with #AppleNotes? it drives me crazy. I feel like I am doing it wrong,
@ia With a few minor exceptions where I need #Pandoc conversions, #Vim table mode, or support for an atypical #Markdown variant like #Markua, #iawriter is far and away my favorite GUI editor and note-taking app. It's my second most-used #macOS and #iOS app outside the terminal, with Notes being first.
Now, if only I could get the undocumented format of #AppleNotes to bulk import into iA Writer I could solve 99% of every snippet problem I have ever had! One can dream, right?
what can be worked on next. I have a perspective for home, and one for work.
I also have some lists outside of the folder structure for project templates and shopping lists, so they don't show up in real projects..
the best part has been t he ability to QUICKLY go between an #AppleNotes note and an #OmniFocus project or task.
This, all tied together with desktop and mobile syncing was the winner for me..
what can be worked on next. I have a perspective for home, and one for work.
I also have some lists outside of the folder structure for project templates and shopping lists, so they don't show up in real projects..
the best part has been t he ability to QUICKLY go between an #AppleNotes note and an #OmniFocus project or task.
This, all tied together with desktop and mobile syncing was the winner for me..
I LOVE #OmniFocus , but it is super lacking in its ability to take notes on a tasks or project. It's a hard problem to solve, but i think it would be awesome if we could use #OmniOutliner in a more integrated fashion.
To rectify this, I use #hookmark to join a project and an #AppleNotes note. Hookmark allows bidrectional links, so it's super easy to go back and forth.
I then created two top level folders, Work, and Personal. these each have perspectives indicating ... 1/2.
I wish #AppleNotes had a back button. I make alot of link to other notes, and sometimes, I can't quickly get back to the origin note. Fortunately, @hookmark helps out, but a back button would be KILLER.
Everybody should have a blog or a personal internet corner, to publish and share your thoughts, notes, and ideas. When it comes to publishing, where you write your drafts and posts also matters.
Having a streamlined publishing process is the goal. I recently wrote about #Montaigne, a service that allows you to create a blog, website, or portfolio by only using #AppleNotes. This means, you can publish your posts from the app you might already use for writing anyway.
Issue 283 is out now!
This time I wrote about #Montaigne, a service that gives you the possibility to create a website, portfolio, or blog only by using #AppleNotes, and shared news + updates from #Mastodon, #Safari, #blogstatic, and #Maneken.
Additionally, this issue includes great articles by #NathanBeck, #YanceyStrickler, #Raptitude, and #GreaterGoodMagazine.
Thank you #VividRed for sponsoring this issue