Does anyone else use #emacs mainly in the terminal, even when you don't have to? I just find it cleaner and simpler, and I don't mind using external apps for pdfs and browsing, etc. What am I missing out on?
nothing if your happy with current workflow, now if your requirements change then thats a different matter
@dekks Thank you for this:) Beautifully practical. I have been using/loving emacs for like 20 years, have written several books with it, etc., but still always feel I am a horribly inadequate user and someday need to actually learn it.
i get that feeling too, but until 5 or 6 years ago i only used it for org-mode & 1 or 2 minor prog modes.
there is so much to #emacs that it's easy to feel inadequate but identifying what package would improve your work flow isn't the easiest thing to do.
it's only in the last year that i've started to use use-package & that was due to one of Prot's videos actually showing me what it actually does.
@dekks Ooh can you share the video?
Prot does great notes for each video, check the links.
& another great source
@dekks Wow amazing! I love techie philosophers.