I'm part of the April 2024 Core employees Google decided to part ways with. I'm taking this opportunity to take stock, embrace my purpose and chart a new path in these uncertain times.
To say that we're at a crossroads is an understatement. Cherished ecosystems are threatened. The Web itself has an uncertain future as it's moved from a global library of knowledge to an app/ads delivery channel. Open Source faces funding pressure and uncertainty about viable business models. Knowledge itself has become fluid and commodified as it's fed to global AI models. Even the once resilient systems that power society are at risk from demagogues and ill-conceived technological mediation.
Yet, amidst this upheaval I see opportunity. I have a chance to embrace this uncertain future and add another technological impact to my life story.
While I'm exploring impactful possibilities within Google until June 24th I'm confident my skills can make a positive impact in many places. The world needs solutions and I'm determined to contribute to a better future!
If this resonates reach out and let's see what's possible!
@lindner Google hasn't decided my role is redundant (yet), but I've still been thinking similar thoughts for over a year now.
I do still think Google is the most ethical of "big tech", and I'm not yet sure what I'd pursue when I move on (hopefully by my own choice), but it is something I find myself thinking a lot about lately.
I look forward to seeing what you look to do next, whether it's an internal transfer or something else.
@foxxtrot Indeed, I was kind of expecting this move as I saw 4 reorgs moving more and more of the org into non-USA regions.
Ethics aside I also want to look at the long-term impacts/consequences of big tech. The critical writings of Rushkoff and Zuboff do offer some food for thought.
@lindner Yeah, my next gig is almost certainly going to be in a much smaller organization. I just don't know what I want the focus of the next thing to be.