Abandoning books: What percentage of a book do you read before deciding it's not for you and moving on to something else?
This is especially relevant now that my kindle is full of books I haven’t read yet, many of which came from bundles or impulse purchases. (I.e the overall quality is likely pretty variable.)
You have clearly been looking at my Calibre library..
It used to be that I would almost never abandon a book. Until a few years ago, I could tell you the name of every book I had not finished.
With the advent of StoryBundle,I am far more likely to decide something is not for me and stop.
It probably has to do with the bundling,as you say. The books I don't read are ones I probably wouldn't have picked up on my own.
The flip side is that I've found some gems in bundles.
Thinking further - I can still tell you, by name, the physical books that I've abandoned. Partly because, if I've made the effort to get hold of the object, I've probably pre-screened it to some extent.
bundled e-books don't sit on a shelf chastising you like physical books do;-)
Interesting question ...