Overdue #introduction as a new member of social.coop:
I'm based in #Seattle, the ancestral land of the Duwamish people. I love this city and the amazing people, groups and nature within it.
I'm involved in several grassroots organizations focusing on tech and housing that aim to build a more equitable society and fight against oppressive capitalist systems in place.
I'm #vegan and sharing delicious food is one of my favorite things to do.
Very excited to be here and connect with others!
@jackiemak22 nice seeing you here Jackie, appreciate your compassionate work comrade!
Welcome to the fediverse!
> I'm involved in several grassroots organizations focusing on tech and housing
That's a great pairing. Internet access and online services, like housing, are now essential for modern life. Co-ops formed around housing can also be used to organise shared internet connections and shared local hosting of basic services. Using off-the-shelf computers and home hosting packages like LibreServer and @yunohost.