Okay here’s something I’ve just noticed while my Prusa MINI+ is doing a long print. As it prints, it’s accumulating a droplet of melted filament on the right side of the nozzle which periodically drips off and creates a lump on my print. Why would this be happening and how can I stop it? #3DPrinting #maker #prusa
@harris I don't have a mini, but on my mk3 I see similar nozzle blobs when I didn't tighten my nozzle properly.
@bishma I’ll try reinserting and tightening it! Thanks!
@harris i'm not entirely sure what's happening here but it would probably be helped with a silicone sock around the nozzle+heat block. they both help hold in heat and keep a ton of filament from sticking to the hotend. doesn't help the very end of the nozzle but yknow
@harris if the blob im seeing is indeed as big as the nozzle... omg definitely get a sock
you'll also want to like, make sure the nozzle isn't carrying any blobs or ooze into the beginning of the print
@lytta It’s really big and accumulates several times over during the course of a medium or large print! I’ve gotten used to cleaning off the nozzle before prints so it definitely is accumulating during the print.
@harris looking at stock photos the mini actually just doesn't come with a sock, which is wild? I think of them as default equipment
@lytta Huh! Okay! I guess I’ll get a sock!