#WorkingInPublic on the [[Agora]] tonight.
This is an example of Transclusion in the Agora, as per the pattern by Nelson (1980) and Sutherland (1963).
@flancian I've been thinking a lot about Xanadu. Like if there is a quote it should be linked data linking back to a book. Copyright is largely what stops this. I kinda wanna create a multimedia experience where all media is not only linked but transcluded
@flancian the content on something like agora is much less interesting to me than its structure
@flancian for me it's not even so much about being able to find the book the quote is from for example. I want the presence of mind and the experience that comes along with seeing everything connected.
Yup. Ted conceived of it as a way to get IP owners on board with it -- to give up the right to fully control derivative works by tempting them with micropayments (since works that inspire derivatives become much more lucrative under this model).
And of course, if you set the price for your bits to $0, while you retain the droit morale to be cited, otherwise it is functionally public domain.