On #pitching:
"Everything depended on convincing the right people that we were capable of presenting the proper symbolic representations, so we could get continued funding for our operations and improve our symbolic representations in the hopes of finally being able to get more sales at the now much higher price pt that was necessary in order to deliver the symbolic representation of our prodct, without which our prodct would never get to help anyone, as well as also deliver the actual product."
Zvi #Mowshowitz on "The Thing and the Symbolic Representation of The Thing":
"[E]veryone involved [is] afraid of being sued (far beyond the statistical danger of actually being sued) every time they deviate from the standard of care."
https://thezvi.wordpress.com/2015/06/30/the-thing-and-the-symbolic-representation-of-the-thing/ #TheZvi cited by Carey Lening
This has always been a thing.
Look at the Potemkin Villages, and then remember that there were regiments in France in the 1600's, that consisted of vagabonds who were hired for the day of the King's Inspections.
This is the private sector versions: Potemkin Companies.