(God damn I wish it was easier to search your own fucking posts on here; not that this was actually any easier on birdsite for the most part…it was just better-Google-indexed…)
Soooo I finished #HarrowTheNinth last night. Whee! What a trip. As before, immediately bought #NonaTheNinth and diving into that tonight most likely.
tl;dr the worldbuilding for this series suffers the better a look you get at it, but the vibes/characterizations/dialogue/omgwhathappensnext more than make up for it.
@bitprophet Easiest way might be to use your RSS Feed and just put it all in some app
@alpha1beta I take an export/backup monthly, so realistically I just need to do that more often & write a script to search it.
Wish @ivory would keep a cache of "your own toots” around and let me search that though, it'd be ideal :D I can think of many reasons why that either might not fly, or would not be high on the priority list, tho…!
@bitprophet I've debated setting up a zap or similar script to append to a google sheet. I use to do that with my favorites on the bad place so if they got deleted, I still have them.
@alpha1beta @bitprophet Was just going to suggest doing this as it’s exactly what I do (and wished I’d done on Twitter from the beginning).
@bitprophet The world building is definitely weird but I'm kind of suspending judgement until the fourth book closes it out. It's never going to be super-plausible (necromancers in space, after all), but it feels like Muir has a coherent whole somewhere (although we may never get it spelled out in full, since we're pretty much following people who already know things and have no reason to think deeply about it, if they even know the truths).