I am approximately 1/3 into #HarrowTheNinth (book 2 of #GideonTheNinth trilogy) and
1) I’ve already twigged the (an?) obvious twist, but am otherwise confused enough that everything is still deliciously tense/suspenseful. Nice that it’s a different kind of tale than the first book too.
2) I just got to the “cool letter of the alphabet” reference and briefly lost my composure Muir really has a gift for sneaking this dumb shit in & I love it
@bitprophet the first who books are great, the third was confusing as fuck, waiting on book 4
@sivy confusing as fuck but apparently still good enough you will read the 4th? lmao. also didn't know there were more coming! whee
@bitprophet Yes, Alecto the Ninth is still coming I believe. And IIRC, book 3 was "inserted" into the planned trilogy before book 4, but I could be wrong.
@bitprophet But i do love the creepy-as-heck vibe in that entire world. Book 3 _does_ finally provide some excellent backstory on the Emperor though.
@sivy Yea the vibe is really interesting. not usually my jam but it's ironically helped a lot by the extremely snarky narration and dialogue. If it was the same setting and story but took itself very seriously, I'd not like it at all probably!
Worldbuilding doesn't hold up to much scrutiny but it's ok, I'm reading this /for/ the vibes, not for the universe.
@bitprophet Yeah the snarky vibe holds it all together. Any more serious and it would fall apart under it's own weight :)