I'm creating a lightning talk, and I'm looking for fun stories or anecdotes of people in serious settings totally misunderstanding #OpenSource. I already have some great examples that @bagder has shared over the years, so now it's up to you others to chip in!
@PKL That's a good one! Are they persistent or easy to explain to?
@ainali It's not common, so I dunno about extrapolating trends. I'm guessing someone used to the idea of a patent won't have to stretch that hard to grasp an OSHW license, though.
@ainali Are businesses "serious settings"?
@nemobis absolutely!
Both of these were in settings that one would not typically expect, given the otherwise very high level of knowledge:
* The misconception that anyone else could at any time change the source code of the software that you are running on your server.
* The misconception that because the source code is available to everyone, that your data would somehow be available to everyone too.