1/ On another note, for employers recognizing #unions without extra votes, instead of "voluntary recognition" can we start using terms like just "recognition", "immediate recognition", "recognition of (documented) majority representation" and such. To me "voluntary recognition" makes it seem like something employers *can* do to be a little extra nice. It was always meant to be the default. Let's use wording that reflects that? #UnionRecognition #UnionElections
2/ Union elections are not between the employer and the union. The employer is not on the ballot. It's "union, "no union", or sometimes "WHICH union". The ability of employers to request a whole election, after a union submitting extensive proof that they represent a majority was meant more for when multiple #unions claim a majority, or the employer has other serious doubts about majority status. But since they don't have to prove any reasonable doubt, elections have morphed into something else.