Apologies for the paywall, but establishment Dems have failed the working class once again.
By mid-week it was looking like #GoodCause would pass and had the votes, but then they mysteriously bent the knee to big landlords.
We will have to get more leftists in, and try again.
A Democratic supermajority was unable to pass ANYTHING on housing affordability, which is one of the biggest concerns for voters in NY State.
We either go farther left than these useless establishment Dems, or we cede our government to the party of racism, misinformation, transphobic bullying of children, and fascism.
That's going to be difficult, even if the D's have a majority.
While Gupta talks here about the Irish housing crisis in 2008, the main comments carry over to the USA.
Here's an alternative approach that may work:
@BillySmith I mean this is a completely different thing, that might be cool in itself, but requires a level of wealth and privilege that's completely out of reach for those that would be protected by #GoodCause
It's also more individualistic.
It's those facing financial precarity, especially Black and Brown and LGBTQ folx that are most likely to face housing discrimination and nom-renewal evictions that Good Cause would prevent, so we absolutely still need this policy.
One approach that Gupta mentioned was to create an island of sustainable stability for yourself and your village, then act to carry everyone else across, so that they can do the same. :D
@00Aaron Sadly true. And going to be hard to get beyond. The establishment Dems have the big money of the, well... establishment behind them.
As long as greed rules governments national & local, we'll see a continued slow-motion collapse of the economy.