I think I'm ready to begin reading Murray Bookchin. Any suggestions?
@kdsch (I seem to have started with this one, myself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ecology_of_Freedom )
@kdsch what is of interest for you?
@syndikalista A lot of things, but I just read this quote by Bookchin and immediately recognized that I'd had a similar thought yesterday:
> The greatest danger we face---apart from nuclear immolation---is the homogenization of the world by a market society and its objectification of all human relationships and experiences into commodities.
@kdsch Don't start with Ecology of Freedom, that's hard going. AK Press's "Working Classics" edition of Post-Scarcity Anarchism was a better introduction if I remember right.
@kdsch I'm partial to "Post-scarcity Anarchism," myself