Tapestry from the Iconfactory is out! Of course I love that it supports Micro.blog. And it makes me happy just seeing developers experiment with new ways to mix open social platforms together.
@manton Logging in from an iPad is a nonstarter. One never gets past a tiny browser window, logged in there but not in the app. Flakey start. Also no mention in their copy of replying to things. Is this just a fancy feed reader?
@markstoneman As far as feed readers go, NetNewsWire does everything I need. One can even follow Bluesky and Mastodon feeds there, if that's what you prefer. Just MacOS, iPad/iPhone iOS though.
@marksblog I gave it a try. It looks really nice but if I'm browsing Mastodon I want to be able to interact and Tapestry doesn't support it. Bummer. I'll stick to my RSS app and a separate Mastodon client!
@dennyhenke Makes sense.