Have we finished our mourning? Because we need to move onto community defense organizing. Don't be a "Good German". We can't be "Good Americans". Now is not the time to keep your head down.
A lot of liberal folks spent the past few months warning of coming fascism or authoritarianism. I hope that they understand what that means and that it is coming. Fascists do not share power via elections. If you're holding onto "get through the next 4 years" drop that delusion now.
@clintruin @dennyhenke "Rock bottoms come slowly, and then, all at once."
@dennyhenke Also, prepare for a bunch of "you really want to risk getting your family in trouble for restisting?" type waffling - this is when we need to make people understand that you & your family is going to be in trouble anyway, eventually. Yes, even if you "didn't do anything wrong". Fascists get around to everyone eventually & on the way there, everything is going to increasingly suck for everybody. People *will* get hurt by this & that's why it's always worth resisting.
@dennyhenke There is a lot that can be done locally. School Boards local government. There is always an opportunity to change things locally.