It's not enough to oppose autocracy.
"Okay, let's look at this fundamental problem. The US is not actually a democracy. It's a system of white privilege initally designed by wealthy white men for their benefit but with the appearance of input from "the people". Hey, we're throwing off the yoke of tyranny! A government of and by the people, yeah! But it wasn't and isn't. Not really. We know this but we're very good at pretending. Who's this we that's pretending?"
@dennyhenke But the country, the government, is on the precipice of something much worse than the tyranny escaped in the 18th century. We must move progressively forward toward a “more perfect union”, not backward into the Middle Ages and 1940’s fascist autocracy.
@wdjorth Yes, but the real point of the blog post is that the majority of citizens in the US long ago stopped making any meaningful effort to push forward.
The norm here, especially for the white middle class, is to accept, assume and protect the privilege they are born into. Those who enjoy the status quo live in passive consumerism rather than in active, engaged citizenship.
Stopping fascism is NOT ENOUGH but the privileged are content with that because it serves them.