Heading home from #WisCon46 and planning on seizing on inspiration from this Midwestern sojourn and chasing that so far elusive dream:
Homemade gluten free deep dish.
Heading home from #WisCon46 and planning on seizing on inspiration from this Midwestern sojourn and chasing that so far elusive dream:
Homemade gluten free deep dish.
When Sumana gives you (or, well, to be honest, your juggling circus kid) lemons, I guess you take them back home halfway across the continent and join them with your own backyard lemons and make Otherwise Lemonade...
Shout-out to the Corsi-Rosenthal boxes in every room (and the building party beforehand)! #wiscon46
Not going to toot the Post Mortem. Glad the in-room and online attendance is pretty good though! If you want to give input, take the survey! Https://WisCon.net/survey
“I have to go ruin these people’s lives so I can tell them they’re saved” says the proselyting Christian who thinks there is only one way of being and doing. #wiscon46
“The extended mind of the whole body.” Great conceptualizing from Hairston; at least it resonates for me. #wiscon46
Levine as a former tech writer found becoming a software engineering to be empowering; was able to make choices rather than simply make a map for people to follow. #wiscon46
Audience : As a software engineer, finds that decisions have huge consequences often unable to be changed by later people working on the software. How do those decisions change the people working on the project? #wiscon46
Frost — One becomes hesitant to make changes for fear of breaking the existing software in an unknown way. You can also become like that in personal life.
Colonizers consider themselves right and good, thus by colonizing you they are uplifting and helping you even if the side effect is suffering. — Hairston #wiscon46
So many books advising “I was successful doing x, y, z; you can too” is like saying “I won the lottery using number x; you can too.” Context matters. — Levine #wiscon46
Why in so much fiction (and life) do we consider “progress” to look like evolution towards a Western European culture?!? — Hairston #wiscon46
Why in so much fiction (and life) do we consider “progress” to look like evolution towards a Western European culture?!? — Hairston #wiscon46
Tension between social view of self and personal view of self can be resolved by changing circumstance or changing desires but both are costly. — Levine #wiscon46
The brain is constantly evaluating and making decisions and sometimes needs to rely on a patter/predetermined shortcut. — Frost #wiscon46
Our “core identity,” the thing we prioritize or spend most of our time doing or think of ourselves, changes over time but still retains all the previous core identities. — Levine #wiscon46
We think of identity as a noun, which is static. The Pottawattamie people think of people as rivers, fluid. Constantly capable of change and making change. Identity as verb rather than noun. — Hairston #wiscon46
Swiped from Jessamyn’s summary: ‘David: conservatives tend to believe, "I am a good person, therefore what I do is good" and progressives tend to think "I do good things, therefore I am a good person"’ #wiscon46
Progressive mind: You generally do good things, we label you a good person, but as a person you may still do bad things and need to be accountable.
Conservative mind: We consider you a good person, you seem to have done a bad thing but we’ll change the story to make it not so (e.g., priests and pedophilia).
— Levine #wiscon46
Our culture considers that all our bodies are failed attempts at being a superman. — Hairston #wiscon46
We have decided that we the dominant group are the only one capable of being moral; similar behavior in other groups is not considered morality. — Hairston #wiscon46