Shaanti extension for Shaarli update to v1.0.9
- friendlier on boarding process with instance domain
- accessibility improvements
- deal with notes on empty url field
- tagify update and bugfixing

Shaanti extension for Shaarli update to v1.0.9
- friendlier on boarding process with instance domain
- accessibility improvements
- deal with notes on empty url field
- tagify update and bugfixing
Shaanti for Shaarli update to v1.0.8
Mainly accessibility improvements related to the search tab
- minimize layout shift upon searching
- prevent enter/tab to submit form on search
- bugfix: search results no longer visible after switching between tabs
Shaanti for Shaarli is now on v1.0.7
- ability to add instances under a path (ooopps)
- omit unneeded credentials to be sent with the request (double ooopps)
Many thanks to @bmp for the report and the help in debugging
New #Shaanti for #Shaarli #extension release
- ability to add extension shortcuts according to your browser
After all, it was not such a big deal to add a Chromium version! So now, there is a crx available alongside the Firefox xpi under the build folder.
If someone using Shaarli and Firefox or Chrome(ium) could help me with testing/feedback before release, it would be wonderful!
Download it from
Can anyone using Shaarli and Firefox help me with testing/feedback one extension before release?
I have been using it for a while now and it definetely works better for me than the existing extensions as this one uses the Shaarli API.
If you have a few minutes please let me know what you think.
Does it worth to port it to Chromium browsers?
Download it from under the build folder there is a zip and a signed xpi.