Ich hoffe, mein erster Post ist okay… Steffo hat gesagt er sei gut
Naja, hier geht's direkt zum Post!
I am still not dead. I'm just busy! Meanwhile I come back, here's a Crossover of Hatsune Miku and Trixie:
California Bay Area Miku sketch!
I tried to think of what the local signifiers are, so I just went with what I know best and not stress over it too much.
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А тебя встречает ТЯН
#anime #Miku #hatsune_miku #linux #i3 #i3wm #wm #gnu_linux #wallpaper
#miku in traditional Ukrainian attire for my first vocaloid cover on youtube (and first video )
the song is Bilya Topoli (Near the Poplar tree), a popular Ukrainian war-time song about mother's grief. I used Miku v4 eng aaaand it was very hard to make her sing in Ukrainian but i did it!
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