Too bad. So sad. I have no sympathy.
It’s hard to listen to her when she voted for the following:
Too bad. So sad. I have no sympathy.
It’s hard to listen to her when she voted for the following:
@gerardlecontepolitics, a Black Man wrote
A lot of white parents appear to think that teaching their boys that racism and bigotry are bad is
Black Churches have persuaded many Black Christians up and down the US to buy Black at Target stores not realizing that doing so has increased Target's profits.
Laws that permitted marital rape and wife beatings buttressed those that forbade women from voting, becoming lawyers, and more.
[Margaret] "Sanger [founding what we know today as Planned Parenthood] was also an important figure in linking birth control to reducing the population of African Americans."
Kylie Jenner rebranding as a white woman. It’s like they all follow the same strategy.
#blackwomen #whitewomen #blackpeople #blackamerican #whitepople #culturalappropriation #sellout #blackmastodon
The sacrifice of leaving local public schools was made most evident in the lives of civil rights activists Ruby Bridges and Linda Brown. Bridges was just six years old in 1960 when she
#blackchildren #blackamerican #blackpeople #whitewomen #blackhistory #blackmastodon
[A white woman is complaining about not seeing a white face for 12 minutes at hallftime at the superbowl.
TV began in 1927. The first Black face appeared in 1951. White people experienced only white faces for 24 years.
How does 12 minute compare to 24 years?]
Fox Host Has Violent And Inhumane Reaction To Trump Trans Ban
#SamSeder #EmmaVigeland #MajorityReport #Politics #Trans #Patriarchy #whiteGirls #whiteWomen
@karenrebels, a white woman wrote the below:
My students asked why I didn't have a display for BlackHistoryMonth and I was embarrassed that my answer was
#blackpeople #blackamerican #whitewomen #whitepeople #whiteteachers #blackhistory #blackmastodon
Is there a clearer way to announce, “I can’t possibly compete on a level playing field because I’m weak and not very bright” than scrambling to ban words like “equity” from laws and regulations?
I’m so over #DEI for conservative white guys.
#whiteMaleFragility #whiteInferiority #CrybabyMAGASnowflakes #pathos #Sad! #racism #misogyny #homophobia #transphobia #incels #USPol #Musk #Trump #StephenMiller #RussellVought #SamuelAlito #whiteWomen #whiteWine
Today a white woman walks around the aisle to my left side so she can look at what I'm looking at bc she can't bring herself to say, Excuse me, to me; so I shift to the right to allow her access; so she takes what she needs without acknowledging me.
F---ing racist!
Some might argue that she's scared of me; but that is actually the definition of racism.
“It’s important to understand a long lineage of women, especially middle-class white women, making a calculation that they might be able to individually find a foothold within patriarchy by accommodating themselves to a certain set of disciplines in exchange for provisional protection, while throwing other women under the bus.” — Dr. Jilly Kay, professor, feminist #WhiteWomen #patriarchy #gender
Maps like this one cover up the fact that more than half of white women voted for the Dear Leader. (52% to 54%, depending on whose count you use.) I wonder how many blue states on this map would turn red if the map showed white women's votes only.
she stayed silent
wrapped in whiteness
as the garden died
#DailyHaikuPrompt (silence) #haiku #senryu #poetry #WritingCommunity #WhiteWomen
"If white women think that their whiteness somehow insulates them from the patriarchy—or from the corporate greed fueling climate change, income inequality, the housing crisis, the unaffordability of childcare—they are sorely mistaken."
#Trump #KamalaHarris #Republicans #WomenVoters #WhiteWomen #BlackWomen
"Democratic candidates have only managed to win in recent years, frankly, on the backs of women of color. ...
Four years later, it’s looking quite possible that Kamala Harris may be the first candidate in nearly three decades to actually peel white women off from the Republican Party."
#Trump #KamalaHarris #Republicans #WomenVoters #WhiteWomen #BlackWomen
"White women, the largest voting bloc in the country, have favored Trump in the past two elections, over Hillary Clinton in 2016 (47 percent to 45 percent) and notably more strongly for Joe Biden (55 percent to 43 percent) in 2020. In fact, white women have voted majority Republican for the past 70 years in all but two presidential elections—Lyndon Johnson’s in ‘64 and Bill Clinton’s in ‘96."
~Laura Bassett
#Trump #Republicans #WomenVoters #WhiteWomen