Scott Foley On ‘Scream 7’ Return Despite Character Death: “I Don’t Know How It Works Out”
#News #ScottFoley #Scream #Scream7 #ScreamVII

Scott Foley On ‘Scream 7’ Return Despite Character Death: “I Don’t Know How It Works Out”
#News #ScottFoley #Scream #Scream7 #ScreamVII
"Let's play a game!"
All shot practically using real figures and miniature sets.
Sehr cool. Ich hatte mal die Idee die Seite www.iscream.tld zu machen. Mit unterschiedlichen Themen/Anlässen weswegen man schreit (Tagesaktuelles, Ungerechtigkeit, Liebeskummer, Faschismus, Kapitalismus, ...).
Da kann man dann Videos von sich verlinken (hochladen) wie man schreit. Mit Rating- und Suchfunktion (welche Videos gefallen am meisten Leuten).
These two literally show up in this order in my camera roll. The first is a warning about how bicycle theft is on the rise (1 bike every 3 days in October according to my translation app) and the second is a project by Eirill Flack where she will listen to your #scream if you leave a message—which is surprisingly useful in these trying times.
What shall we #scream into today?
Getting the GF to watch #Scream for the first time.
One of my favourite movies, for being both an excellent horror/slasher in its own right, while also being subversive and meta
Done of the Scream base by
Matthew Lillard’s character Stu Macher Is Back In The New Scream 7 Movie
The Federal Reserve leaves rates unchanged, TikTok’s traffic returns, and OpenAI could be worth $300 billion dollars.
#scream #matthewlillard #stumacher #federalreserve #tiktok #openai
Scream know-it-all Jamie Kennedy gives his pro-tips on how to behave when you meet a celebrity #CelebritiesNews #Film/TV #JamieKennedy #miramax #SCREAM
Matthew Lillard Is Coming Back For ‘Scream 7’
#News #MatthewLillard #Scream #Scream7
In all seriousness,
I was thinking about my post from earlier.
And I sort of wonder what would happen if we all decided to open our windows at a certain designated time (say, 1 PM local) and simply unleash a blood curdling screech. Would a collective Daily Scream make the world a better place? Would that improve people’s mental health? I don’t know. But it’s ideas like this that I think may be worth trying.
Food for thought, perhaps?
Mason Gooding Teases ‘Scream 7’ Return & Calls Neve Campbell The “Godmother Of The Genre”
#News #MasonGooding #Scream #Scream7 #ScreamVII
My mental health is on the floor lately trying to keep body and soul together is a massive challenge. Even on the worst of days there is always that little spark in me, desperate to cling on to life, that tells me to find something, anything that will get me to see in another day and to keep fighting even if I just get out of the front door and figure it out from there. Yesterday was brutal and was almost one of those days were all I can do is stare at the bedroom wall whilst I wallow in bed but something in me forced myself up and out of the door. I take help, advice and suggestions wherever I can, my daughter is a very wise soul who can read me like a book and usually knows what is best for me in that moment, even when I don’t. Yesterday it was letting go, finding my voice and my inner child (something I find extremely difficult, I was very serious as a child for reasons and wasn’t childlike at all, so trying to find an inner child that is barely there is hard). @emily_ruby08 helps me to let go, be silly and be actually me. We screamed, whooped, smashed sheets of ice (our very own rage room) and laughed a lot. I’m so proud of how capable she is at recognising and managing her own mental health, knowing what she needs and having no fear at all in asking for it, I want to be her when I grow up. #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthawareness #rage #scream #shout #findyourvoice #ask #ptsd #complextrauma #therapy #innerchild #innerchildtherapy #besilly #daughtergoals
Kevin Williamson Starts Filming ‘Scream 7’: “I’m So Grateful For This Opportunity & To West Craven”
#News #KevinWilliamson #Scream #Scream7 #ScreamVII