(That's plural for Balatro, a Latin word for buffoon.)
Funny, I thought I had made a post about this, but it doesn't seem to have saved. Well, I'll try it again.
Everyone knows Balatro now right? It's won several awards, and was nominated for a handful of others. It was also developed entirely by one person, LocalThunk, who, gasp and shock, seems to be a decent p
#indies #AppleWatch #Balatro #commodore64 #ds #indie #pet #Plus4 #port #Vita
Happy Birthday C264, #AtariST computers demo presented at SillyVenture 2024 Winter Edition #atari #retrogames #retrogaming #commodore #c16 #plus4
You asked, we delivered! Replacement springs for your #C64, #Plus4, #C16, and #VIC20 are now available!
Perfect for those springs that mysteriously vanished across the room—never to be seen again. Grab yours here:
UfoTofU - A brand new game for the Commodore Plus/4
When you order a joystick adapter from Australia just to turn it around and see a Hungarian
name on it. Just Plus/4 things. We're everywhere when it comes to the C= 264 Series.
But we're terrible at business, hence I have to order stuff from the Aussies instead...
Docsters Digger - A Bonus C64 game released with Mancave in 2019 gets a Plus/4 port by 220 Volt Team (220V)
#Commodore #Plus4 #RetroComputing
Got versions working on #C64 and #C16 / #Plus4
I need to sort out the game save/load on the #Commodore machines however.
My sights are also on the humble #VIC20
The C16 from @eazy is fully restored. The broken 64K mod was replaced with one from Idörégész. The cut traces were restored. So if anyone wants to bring the C16 back to factory condition, it is now possible. Although the mainboard is a bit beat up, and the bottom shell has two cutouts. Would be nice to have a replacement bottom shell...
#retrocomputing #commodore #c16 #plus4
New video: C1531 Datassette Refurb
The Commodore Datassette is a very classic and iconic piece of equipment. It had a couple of variants. Today we have a black C1531 for the Commodore 264 range of computers: C116, C16 and Plus/4. It has some mechanical issues that we will try to fix.
#commodore #c64 #c16 #plus4 #datassette #retrocomputing
Cleaning and testing a 1531 tape drive. Courtesy of @eazy. This one only had mechanical issues. Watching a tape load is kind of mesmerizing.
#commodore #plus4 #datassette #tapedrive #retrocomputing
I detached the #Plus4 keyboard to test the power LED with a battery: it works.
I cleaned the contacts with isopropyl and plugged the flat cable back on the board and now... IT WORKS!
Was it just an oxidized contact? I'm not sure.
Anyway, the tuner video signal is very noisy. I wrote this short program to test sound output.
First time I play with the BASIC V3.5 multimedia commands, and it's awesome!
Last night I carefully opened the #Commodore wedge PSU with flat screwdrivers, but the interior is filled with a potting resin which is stuck to the box.
I measured +5V after the regulator, but it drops as soon as I connect the #Plus4 board.
If the board was shorted, the fuse would have blown. So I guess the regulator is unable to source more than a few milliamps.
I couldn't make further progress without tools. I'm literally working from my mother's kitchen!
In spite of its excellent conditions, this #Plus4 does not power up at all
The AC fuse in the PSU and the DC one on the motherboard aren't blown, so my next suspect is the "wedge" power-supply.
These PSUs made by #Commodore in the '80s are known to fail often. Sometimes, they even output higher voltages on the +5V line which powers ALL the chips on the board!
But this isn't the case: the power LED is steady off, and I measured near 0 volts on VCC pins.
Yesterday I received a donation of #Commodore hardware from a childhood friend, including this lightly used #Plus4 in its original box, with perfectly preserved manuals.
I think I see a pattern here...
If you ever buy an 8501 make sure it is the R4 variant. I think the R1 are all dead by now...
#commodore #plus4 #retrocomputing
Ten more tcbm2sd cartridges will start their journey to Hungary tomorrow.
Let’s figure out where the noise is coming from. On the C16 and any other 264 series machine the TED chip does audio, video and I/O. Pin 33 on the chip is the sound output it seems. During a directory listing this stays flat on the scope. When I run a game we can see the waveform. So this rules out the TED chip I would say.
#commdore #c16 #plus4
But what is VERY weird on this machine is that you can HEAR the IEC bus. It only happens on disk transfers. I really want to figure out why this happens.
#commodore #c16 #retrocomputing #plus4