Ghibli fans! You might enjoy our Ghibli Sleep playlist full of nostalgia and inspiration!
#Summary for December 2024
– Howl’s Moving Castle is… fine.
– Ponyo is adorable!
– I had to watch Secret Level.
The Land of #Ingary trilogy by Diana Wynne Jones is on sale as an omnibus eBook.
I love these books. I like the imperfect protagonists, I like the slightly sideways approaches to some things. I’m not entirely wild about the forced orientalist approach in #TheCastleInTheSky but much of the rest makes up for it (for me, at least).
This starts with #HowlsMovingCastle but it is possible that #TheHouseOfManyWays is my favourite. #DianaWynneJones #bookstodon
If you get a 3D-Printer and a LED-Set, you can print your own Calciver from Howl's moving Castle!
#3dprinting #calciver #studioghibli #ghibli #japan #howlsmovingcastle #hayaomiyazaki #カルシファー #ハウルの動く城
Old Sophie: A battleship?
Howl: On its way to burn cities and people.
Old Sophie: The enemy's? Ours?
Howl: What difference does it make?
#FilmMastodon #Ghibli #Animation #War #AntiWar #Pacifism #Humanity #HauruNoUgokuShiro #HowlsMovingCastle