Schiff unter japanischer Flagge hat sich im Binnenland verfahren und musste rückwärts rausgeschleppt werden fact the futuristic / #RetroHandheld seen in #Evangelion is a beautiful mishmash: being a 'Apple Bandai Pippin 256GB'
Without a doubt my fav #anime console invented for an anime series (even if it is a total copy of the WonderSwan!)
#Asuka - bestgirl in my eyes <3
Wrestling Mayhem Show 901: Intensive Intervention
#AEW #RheaRipley #Asuka #JohnCena #KevinOwens #ReyMysterio #SethRollins #BiancaBelair #MayhemMania #FantasyBooking #WrestlingAnalysis #FanInteraction #EventReview #MatchPredictions @sorgatronmedia @sorgatron
@vt52 very last update : I fixed the issue by running agetty with "setsid /sbin/agetty ..." , no more permission errors now.
And now #emacs "understands" it should use the #minitel, unfortunatly all it prints to it is pure garbage. #Asuka (cli #gemini client) had the same issue as emacs before but works well now so it's certainly an emacs specific problem...
A long train ride to Nara and hiking many kilometers around Asuka Village, the cradle of Japanese civilization. The Asuka period ca. 592-710 marked the introduction of Buddhism, Mainland-inspired reforms, and a change of the country name from Wa (倭) to Nippon (日本).
I went to three early 7th Century sites. Okadera was one of the earliest temples, later Kūkai's Shingon, with a large statue of him as a pilgrim.
Ishibutai Kofun means stone stage, the largest megalith in Japan, probably the tumulus of Soga no Umako, a promoter of Buddhism and a reformer with Prince Shōtoku. Dolmen - rock slabs over graves - were common around the ancient world, but the ones at Ishibutai must weigh tons.
Tachibanadera commemorates the birthplace of Prince Shōtoku. It is rich in historical artifacts and beautiful with a field of cosmos blooming now. There is a formation in the temple 二面石 meaning two-faced rock. I'm tempted to use it like an emoji .
@garunesan por enésima vez, pon hashtags apropiados, ADEMÁS de poner el NSFW, aqui por ejemplo podría haber sido algo como #asuka #dibujo #erótico #NSFW
@Jonathanglick Let's hope #Asuka and #RickyStarks gets with it soon!
Feliz jueves! Éste dibujo ya tiene más de dos años || Happy thursday! This drawing is more than 2 years old O_o
#FanArt #evangelion #anime #CodeGeass #MastoArt #asuka #illustration #Krita
I like drawing girls so I was happy drawing 3x the amount! hehe!
(Reposted, Accidentally posted bad quality one lol)
I've listed 3 original, one of a kind, pieces of art over on my etsy shop! Once they're gone, they're gone