Study: Popular Low-Income Broadband Program Killed By Trumplicans Saved Taxpayers More Money Than It Cost | Techdirt

Study: Popular Low-Income Broadband Program Killed By Trumplicans Saved Taxpayers More Money Than It Cost | Techdirt
American "Communist Party (#ACP)Defectors Reveal Toxic, Cult-Like Environment Hostile to Criticism
#socialism #communism
American "Communist" Party (#ACP) Defectors Reveal Toxic, Cult-Like Environment Hostile to Criticism
Panamá. Comunidades afectadas por la construcción del reservorio de Río Indio manifiestan su rechazo.
Coastal Retreat In Alaska Is Accelerating Because Of Compound Climate Impacts
-- <-- shared technical article
-- <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #coast #coastal #retreat #erosion #Alaska #climatechange #sealevel #sealevelrise #stormsurge #extremeweather #permafrost #melting #landloss #remotesensing #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #Arctic #ArcticCoastalPlain #ACP #ice #communities #infrastructure #planning #management #change #acclerating #topography #subsidence #risk #hazard #impacts #resilience #mitigation #funding
Bon, j'avais noté le jeu de données "palmer penguins" comme un bon exemple pour introduire l'ACP, mais finalement, en préparant le cours... je trouve ça très peu convaincant.
On a 4 variables... dont les deux premières séparent bien les données. Ou la première et la troisième. Déjà comme outil de visualisation ça apporte pas grand chose. Surtout que la 4e variable est la masse : soit on l'ajuste sur le sexe, soit on la vire...
Et pour le clustering non-supervisé ? Supposons donc que je n'ai pas l'information du sexe. Je vire la masse, c'est du bon sens. Il me reste trois variables. Pas dur à visualiser. Un simple k-means (sur données standardisées) avec k = 3 identifie mes trois clusters quasiment à la perfection : 10 individus sur 333 mal classés.
OK comme "toy example"... Je vais le garder. Mais j'ai des petits malins qui sont du genre "mais ça sert à quoi en vrai puisque ça marche aussi bien ou mieux avec des outils plus simples". #acp
Press Struggles To Explain How The GOP Killed A Popular Broadband Discount Program, Driving Millions Of Poor Americans Off The Internet
The FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program
( #ACP ),
-- part of the 2021 #infrastructure #bill,
-- provided 23+ million low-income households a $30 broadband discount every month.
But the roughly 60 million Americans benefiting from the program are now facing much higher broadband bills because key Republicans
— who routinely dole out billions of dollars on far dumber fare
— refused to fund a $4-$7 billion extension.
There were several last ditch efforts to fund the program but none were successful -- thanks largely to Trump loyalist and current House Speaker #Mike #Johnson,
who refused to let any of those funding efforts get close to a vote.
The GOP killed this popular program.
Yet in two different stories this week,
both CNET and the Associated Press fail to clearly communicate that to readers.
At #CNET, the program simply “ran out of money”:
"In May, the $14.2 billion program officially ran out of money, leaving Jackson and 23 million households like hers with internet bills that were $30 to $75 higher than the month before."
Over at the #Associated #Press, the program vaguely died because “Congress” didn’t fund it:
"The Affordable Connectivity Program, part of a broader effort pushed by the administration to bring affordable internet to every home and business in the country, was not renewed by Congress and ran out of funding earlier this year."
The GOP killed this program.
-- The GOP alone.
The cuts heavily harm the GOP’s own constituents.
Nearly half of the folks on the ACP program rolls were military families.
Countless ACP participants live in Southern states where broadband access is spotty and expensive thanks to the GOP’s own policies.
Republicans killed a popular program heavily used by Republicans and only made necessary in the first place due to failed Republican telecom policies.
They killed it because they didn’t want Democrats and Biden to enjoy credit for a popular program during an election season.
But neither outlet wants to make the GOP’s fault clear to readers lest they somehow offend Republican readers, sources, event sponsors, or advertisers.
It’s part of a general fecklessness that has expanded across the mainstream ad-based U.S. press,
and it results in #feckless #coverage where the GOP never has to truly own its broadly unpopular policy decisions
#AmericanCommunistParty = American Landlord Party: Head “#MAGAcommunist" Declares #ACP Chapters May Be "Ethical Landlords"
#socialism #socialist #communism #communist #marxism #marxist #news #politics
Well. I'm trying to escape #Spectrum. Can't believe after repubs took away #ACP, I called them to lower my bill, and the very next month, they RAISED it. It actually feels vindictive. Like HOW DARE YOU. The Rep had a damn noticeable attitude. Condescending. I was a service rep for 27 years --I get the vibe. Anyways, will see what Verizon says. I am trying to avoid people inside my house, which would be #ATT/ #Vexus.
What would be your advice?
Am I ready to go live with a full-on production company, or what?
#Traversy style n all! Look at that!
In all seriousness.
Maybe anyone struggling with understanding file and folder #permissions and the corresponding #CHMOD numbers to set your desired ---rwx--- options...
Today’s @Senate @commercedems hearing on #broadband affordability centers on #ACP – what it costs the U.S. Government v. what it brings to U.S. consumers and the economy overall. Can compromise be found in time?
The Affordable Connectivity Program was a landmark piece of U.S. government legislation passed in 2021 that aimed to make it easier for people to afford an internet connection in their homes. Today it all comes to an end, leaving an estimated 23 million households — roughly one in six — at risk of losing broadband access, widening the digital divide.
Despite pleas from the Biden administration and several advocacy groups to save the program, it has now officially lapsed. So what’s next? @WIRED has more. [Subscription may be required]
The Affordable Connectivity Program - income-based subsidy payimg up to $30/month so #Seniors & low-income families can afford essential Internet services - expires April 30 despite a bipartisan bill that would easily pass to continue a much-needed program benefiting Seniors but which #GOP Speaker Johnson refuses to bring to the floor for a vote.
Urge your Representatives to sign the #ACP discharge petition, carry out the people's will.
Find your representative here:
Millions of Americans are set to lose their home internet access, as the funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program is about to run out.
With lawmakers yet to approve the new funding required, @theverge calls for a permanent solution for universal broadband access.
Well, quit back when Chuck Todd took over. Gotta say, Ole Chuck has spoken up. I just will be canceling once my #ACP goes away. Can't afford cable anymore on Soc Sec. Thanks, repubs.
Does #Congress really want to cut off the millions of #Seniors who rely on #AffordableConnectivityProgram to afford #Internet svc?
How do they think #seniors on fixed incomes are supposed to exist in a world where Internet access is req'd, esp for #healthcare?
Renew #ACP now!