Question for anyone, but especially visually-impaired people, who use screen readers regularly, or who has researched the topic before.
What would be the best way for a program to integrate with your software? I'm working on a visual novel, and I was thinking of dumping the current on-screen text into a text file somewhere, but I'm not sure if that would work.
Any ideas?
@sky i used Microsoft Edge a lot to do all the reading stuff during my graduation. I think you''ll need to write your novel in two different formats to make it more understandable
(A regular way of your visual novel and a second way for the reading)
@ciaxeres I don't think that's an option, unfortunately. At best I could compile it to run on a browser, but even that would be a stretch since I would need approval from a bunch of different people first.
@sky entendi, realmente é uma situação complexa mesmo. Como esses sintetizadores de voz não possuem entonação, dar só as falas é um contexto de localidade pode ser insuficiente. Talvez uma dublagem seja o ideal
@sky I've seen copying to the clipboard suggested a few places, apparently screenreaders can access it. Also: Renpy has inbuilt screenreader support, a brief search suggests there's some support in Unity and Unreal but people are still working things out for Godot.