@heybenji have you thought about syndicating your website here? I skimmed your most recent article about the actblue layoff and learned more from it than your profile and posts here.
@resing I haven’t put much thought into it, mainly because I post blog posts very infrequently. Have you found any tools that make it easy to #syndicate #RSS feeds on Mastodon? I’ll check it out.
@heybenji I do it manually. Especially for my low volume of posts lately it’s fine. When I used to post twice a month I automated it for Twitter (when I used to use Twitter) using a variety of methods. I think ifttt would probably be my go to today though I haven’t checked for activitypub connectors.
@resing manual syndication! That would undoubtedly be the easiest choice.
@heybenji I’m a lazy programmer, as they say. I write as little code as possible and only for the highest value, repetitive needs (or sometimes I just play around with code for no reason!). I apply the same logic to other automations. If it would take less time to do it manually or a little bit more time I prefer to do it manually.