Here’s a half-baked idea that many have probably thought before but I’ll share anyways:
A federated tool that allows you to “like” websites and then have that “like” linked to an account that pays that site a #micropayment out of a fixed “like budget.”
You’d also get a discovery tool as well, viewable through the #Fediverse, in addition to a bookmark tool.
Essentially #socialbookmarking with #micropayments.
Does this exist?
@nsfmc was Brave unsuccessful with that initiative? I’m thinking of something that doesn’t require lock in to a particular browser.
@heybenji it did, at some point sooner than it should have- but I can’t remember what it was called.
@CyberneticForests I mean, I feel like this idea has existed since nearly the inception of hypertext (Ted Nelson’s Xanadu).
Practically I’m thinking of something like or Pinboard, where when you “like” or “boost” something it gets syndicated out in a way the #Fediverse can understand.
@CyberneticForests the super hard part is the micropayments part. Maybe it just uses the a super common wallet to start like PayPal, and the website owners can declare that link in a meta tag.