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"Why isn't free software as good as you expect it to be?"
https://njoseph.me/blog/posts/foss-problems/ by @njoseph
@eric @njoseph i assumed the article to be worse than it actually was. I dont fully agree that funding and governance wouldnt solve all the problems though. As a single foss dev, I would love for ONE PERSON to donate 10 bucks once or a dollar a month just so I know one person fucking cares but they wont.
Open source runs your airlines, your energy generation, your hospitals. Without open source, there would be jack shit.
Open source tax on proprietary products NOW
@eric @njoseph To be frank, no software is as good as I expect it to be, and when I or my employer pays for a software, I usually expect much much better experience than what is actually delivered.
So I think the problem is, people expect too much
Free Software at least respects my freedom, and isn't intentionally developed against my interests.
> Free Software at least respects my freedom, and isn't intentionally developed against my interests.
Even better, #FreeSoftware at least acknowledges the reality:
That whether #FreeSoftware or not, sometimes the software developers *are* working against users' interests. There are plenty of examples.
But only #FreeSoftware has the insurance built in: The users have #SoftwareFreedom to leave that hostile developer behind, whether they like it or not, and continue on.