Excellent news: we have a replacement #London launch event for #Lifehouse! Please join us the evening of July 24th at Housmans on Caledonian Road – details and discussant TBC shortly, pints after as you’d imagine. This’ll be good fun & I hope to see you there!
So for those of you keeping track, that’s #Lifehouse talks in #London July 24th, #Seattle August 1st, #LongBeach & #LosAngeles August 3rd, #SanFrancisco August 6th, #Portland August 8th, #Bristol August 19th, with more dates TBA. I sure hope to see you at one or another of these events.
@adamgreenfield Have started reading and the opening is great! Love the way you start from a personal narrative, expand the scope, draw in mentions of anarchism in a positive way, and present *doing* stuff as the opposite to kind of languishing in hope