Places I'm currently at on the #Fediverse:
- Mastodon (@dajb, @weareopencoop, @thoughtshrapnel)
- Pixelfed (@dajbelshaw)
I'm also on Bluesky:
Funkwhale (not much happening yet), but I just joined the dev groups :D
@jared Followed! Thanks
@dajb @weareopencoop @thoughtshrapnel @doug @dajbelshaw @d How do you kind of merge all your identities? Or is that something you don't want? (In other words: to *fully* follow you, should we follow you everywhere?)
@astrojuanlu @weareopencoop @thoughtshrapnel @doug @dajbelshaw @d
Yeah, I don't *want* to merge all of these together. In fact, I think trying to force every aspect of your personality/identity into one account is psychologically harmful (and part of the problem with corporate social media TBH)
@astrojuanlu As in, I've got lots of email accounts but if we emailed one another, I'd probably do it from one (maybe two) of them?
@dajb This idea of fragmented identities has been bothering me for a long time. Some think that the point of *social* media is precisely to follow someone wholly, but I was not convinced. On the other hand, at the tech level, I'm not fond of having to manage several fediverse accounts, and also since I have a personal instance it seems that I should channel everything to here.
Wondering what others think. @smallcircles @cwebber