I am listening to a recording of Letter from Birmingham Jail, and Youtube is an ad-filled piece of shit.
@ansate I have suggestions for getting around this in a browser, if you would like that! (I'm using the LibRedirect plugin with Invidious, happy to explain more)
@twistylittlepassages yeah, I am sure ian has a thorough fix for this. this comes up like 2x a year for me, so I'm just annoyed
@ansate @twistylittlepassages uBlock Origin successfully defeats YouTube ads for me, but isn't available in Safari because Apple.
I'd stand up an Invidious instance for the compound if needed.
(I'm reading the letter to the kids myself)
@ansate suuuure is. to the point where i would rather download a video than stream it
google needs to get knocked down a few pegs
@ansate For years I have thought about a read-along group for MLK Day that would focus on his Letter but it hasn’t materialized yet. But at least I can re-read it in print
@lizopp it felt really nice to listen to it being read aloud (supposedly by MLK himself)