Apparently, the #DailyMail has just launched "Woke Watch", where red faced pillocks send in angry e-mails, complaining about transgender asylum seekers giving their house prices pronoun cancer, or something.
Anyway, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should one e-mail to #Troll, #Shitpost or just plain take the piss. No, that would be WRONG. Oh, for shame!
@alexanderhay certainly no one should be sending spurious emails to the #DailyMail's #WokeWatch address, which is
@afewbugs @alexanderhay @patterfloof Next you need to point out the school's teaching telling the time with Arabic numerals?
@chloeraccoon @afewbugs @alexanderhay @patterfloof Gives the same vibes as when people were saying H2O is a deadly chemical
@chloeraccoon @afewbugs @alexanderhay @patterfloof Being indoctrinated by Al-gebra lol