My cat has invented a game where he hides under the bed and I shake his crinkly snake on a stick toy. He waits until I'm not paying attention then explodes out from a different piece of the bed to grab the snake. Having raised my blood pressure and vanquished the snake, he trots back under the bed. Repeat until the cat is done.
To start the game, he brings the snake on a stick to me, drops it at my feet, and howls. I have been well trained.
@BritishKoalaTea Every cat servant be like "uhuh".
@BritishKoalaTea thank you for your service.
Wait until he is a really old kitty. Ours is 19+ and slowing down a bit. She has a heating pad with a blanket laying on the sofa. She will stand on the blanket and howl until one of us goes over and turns the heating pad on. And when it turns off after she noticed it is cooling will start to howl again.
Unfortunately she also will howl and circle in front of the bedroom door all night. We now lock her in the back bedroom with food ,water and her heating pad.
She is used to it now so no complaints.
'Domestication' is a 2-way street.
My cat also has a toy snake. About 1.5 metres long and 3 cm diameter.
It normally hangs over the bannister rail.
You know she's pissed off about something when she attacks it and drags it to the floor.
@BritishKoalaTea my cat loves to play fetch but only first thing in the morning as I’m trying to drink coffee, and right when I get into bed at night to unwind. It’s so cute I can’t not do it. If I don’t realize he’s trying to play he’ll leap onto my bed from the floor and land directly on my abdomen. It actually takes talent because I’m a small person in a rather large bed.
But the part of your story that made me want to tell mine is the part where they have us trained, my cat is afraid of the dark so if I throw his toy too far down the hallway at night he makes me go fetch it. And I will, of course I will.