#Facscism Rises in the US, using legal mechanisms.
The process is:
1. Far Right does something violent
2. Laws are made ostensibly addressing what the Far Right did
3. Those laws are applied to crush constitutional rights of speech & expression for #Climate & other activists
#WaterProtector Jessica Reznicek was charged with a terrorism sentencing enhancement created after the Oklahoma City Bombing
#StopCopCity activists are now being charged with terrorism
On the Reznicek case.
In today's America, a terrorist can be anyone who is critical of the Federal government.
To paraphrase Vonnegut, "If this isn't [fascism], what is?"
@00Aaron Wow that's outrageous.
@seth Indeed, and in classic form, AI (media agenda set by tech bros) and China & Russia (agenda set by USG and the whole miliary industrial complex) are given so much airtime, people don't/ won't even know our civil liberties are slowly slipping away.