Sometime today a little package arrives from #JetPens that contains 6 or 7 ink cartridges for my new pen. The inks are all purple. My exciting plans for the evening involve sitting with this pile 'o pen cartridges, loading each one and trying them out on different paper and deciding which purple ink is The Best, while also watching Star Trek TNG (on Season 4 now). I could make some cocoa too! Oh wow. Cocoa, Picard, and discovering the perfect purple ink cartridge! WHAT A NIGHT!
(no seriously)
@hollie :fans self: too much excitement at once, Hollie! ;P
@nothe I KNOW right? It's going to be WILD! You should see me at parties!
@hollie bet you pet ALL the cats ;)
@nothe Everyone's drinking beer and talking current events like normal adults and I'm sitting on the floor in the corner with my tea and whatever pet I can lure my way, rubbing furry bellies and hoping no one requires me to speak.
@hollie post pictures as you try the inks!
The worst thing about leaving the US was not being able to easily get goodies from JetPens
@zzz Oh, I'm sorry for that!
No need to apologise! That's just my weird way to say JetPens is great and I love their stuff!
@hollie this is a mood i am thrilled just reading this