“Don’t delegate tasks, delegate ownership” — Casey Watts
At a party recently, some guests arrived early and offered to help set up.
They expected me to tell them exactly what to do (delegating tasks)
Instead, I told them my goal and trusted them to do it: “set up the food so it’ll be very easy for folks to get at the food, whatever that looks like” (delegating ownership).
They did a MUCH better job that I would have come up with!
@heycaseywattsup pooo very good framing, I like it
@heycaseywattsup a core piece of what passes for my "management philosophy" aka the ways I muddle through my job that requires telling a lot of people what to do. If I can give you a problem to solve or a goal to reach instead of tasks to do, we're both much better off. It does depend on the context though ("hi! Welcome to the party! Go perform open heart surgery on that guy while I get the dip, please").
@heycaseywattsup @omer what I've been up to with my team. For reasons, I'm the only employee - everyone else is external. That means I have other meetings and things I'm involved in, so I need them to take responsibility.
I've told them to forge ahead, have meetings without me - I've seen big improvements when they feel they own the platform.