Calendar shadow: n. The block of free time immediately preceding a scheduled calendar item, which is nonetheless completely useless for any form of productivity whatsoever.
Corollary/clarification: calendar shadow sizes vary just like those thrown by real objects. A routine meeting might only cast a 30-60 minute shadow, but "leave for interstate/international travel" might have a shadow many hours long, even if you did all your prep the night before.
@bitprophet Aka the "Zoomumbra"
@mttaggart lmao, nice
@bitprophet For non-travel calendar items, the size of the shadow is inversely proportional to the amount of detail provided in the meeting's agenda.
@bitprophet @Ginger_hax was just telling a colleague today that we need to put all of the week’s meetings on the same day, call it meeting day, and trap all the unproductive time in one day.
@andrewdwilliams @Ginger_hax isn’t that just sparkling offsite?
@bitprophet Unless I am presenting something during the meeting, in which case that's the time dedicated to creating the work item
@bitprophet that’s where I live my life
@bitprophet I call that “micro-knitting time.”
@bitprophet @andywood so you fill it with email and reduce others' producitivity as well.