NPArevolutionnaires Bulletin Triage de Sibelin: Voir en PDF le bulletin du 3 mars
NPA-R #Sibelin #Bulletin #NPA #Révolutionnaires #Triage
NPArevolutionnaires Bulletin Triage de Sibelin: Voir en PDF le bulletin du 3 mars
NPA-R #Sibelin #Bulletin #NPA #Révolutionnaires #Triage
Email2Toot Robot. Please see entry below for author.
The impact of AI and telemedicine on behavioral health services
*The impact of AI and telemedicine on behavioral health services
There is A LOT OF ACTION right now as the tech industry, insurance
companies, governments, and major health systems cast about trying to
figure out how to lower costs and/or provide better services to mental
health clients.
*We REALLY need our professional associations watching all of this.
As I read these articles I see benefits, yet I see opportunities for:
* Misunderstandings of how mental health actually works,
* Turning therapists into plug and play component cogs in large machines.
With regards to this particular article, I have questions/issues:
I see the value of using AI for triage to determine who needs to be seen
more quickly. What I don't understand is how this works after the
initial intake. It's almost like the CEO being interviewed sees the
entire therapy process as akin to an Emergency Room intake process.
Does he think therapists are plug and play with a different one assigned
each session? Or is he only discussing psychiatrists (and that is bad
too)? Does he think there is no such thing as regular weekly sessions
and you can just switch times and days around constantly by AI
needs-assessment algorithms?
I may be misunderstanding his approach given its a short, edited interview.
Where is the value of RELATIONSHIP and human connection in this?
It reads like his vision of the future is a workforce of therapists on
shifts, and their work day varies in real time with different clients
being plugged constantly in and out of their schedules in real time.
(Again, my nightmare of therapy being treated like a call center.)
/"AI can help predict gaps in outpatient access and the
supply-and-demand imbalance within a health system or clinic population
by provider type, time of day and acuity level. This predictive ability
can help health systems optimize staffing and scheduling to increase
productivity and patient satisfaction."
So... on Mondays I work 9am-5pm, but on Wednesdays I work the 12pm-8pm
shift. Every other weekend I'm needed Saturday nights 8pm-2am because
of a client demand surge? Perhaps I get called-in when demand surges
Yes -- AI could (and should?) be used to automate routine tasks and
assist in diagnostic assessments and treatment recommendations. Can you
imagine all the chart data required to be in the database on each
client? Can you imagine what goes wrong if the algorithms are tuned wrong?
/"We should focus on machine learning applications that use discrete,
anonymized data to improve care delivery without putting patient
information at risk."
"AI-powered tools can streamline these processes, potentially using
natural language processing to generate clinical notes from recorded
sessions or automating insurance coding. This allows clinicians to focus
more of their energy on direct patient care, potentially increasing the
number of patients they can see without compromising quality."
I'm all for it. In other short essays I have already stated my opinions
that these AIs should be local, open source, and NOT connected to the
Internet or Cloud. It's becoming clear that I will lose this battle as
cloud services build market share and large hospitals incorporate AI
notes tools into EPIC and the like.
/"AI also can serve as a powerful decision support tool for
clinicians... But AI systems shouldn't replace clinical judgment...
For example, an AI system might flag potential drug interactions or
suggest alternative treatment approaches... However, it's always up to
the clinician to determine the appropriate level of care."
Yeah... and what happens to the employee therapist in a large health
system that goes against these recommendations? What happens in the
lawsuit in which the therapist did not follow the canned formulas
suggested by the AI? What diversity of approaches is lost in
/"AI improves operational efficiency, optimizes resource allocation and
expands access to care – all of which affect a health system's bottom
line. AI algorithms can analyze patient data, historical patterns and
real-time factors to optimize appointment scheduling and clinician
workloads. This optimization can reduce no-show rates and improve
clinician efficiency."
I would love to be more efficient. I think this comes down to trust. I
do not trust that organizations with the money to invest in these tools
will make my work life better. Efficiency in what sense?
*The impact of AI and telemedicine on behavioral health services
#healthtechnology #psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy @psychotherapist @psychotherapists @psychology @socialpsych @socialwork @psychiatry #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #psychotherapist #doctors #psychotherapist #hospital #telehealth #EHR #EPIC #AI #LLM #artificialintelligence #therapynotes #triage
Please see linked article above.
#healthtechnology #psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy @psychotherapist @psychotherapists @psychology @socialpsych @socialwork @psychiatry #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #psychotherapist #doctors #psychotherapist #hospital #telehealth #EHR #EPIC #AI #LLM #artificialintelligence #therapynotes #triage
Darf der Staat #Impfungen vorschreiben? Welche Eingriffe in die körperliche Integrität sind unter welchen Umständen legitim? Nach welchen Kriterien werden Gesundheitsleistungen in Notsituationen verteilt? An der #JGUMainz analysiert Stiftungsgastprofessorin Bettina Schöne-Seifert heute diese Fragen und spricht darüber mit Prof. Dr. Norbert W. Paul, dem Leiter des Instituts für #Geschichte, #Theorie und #Ethik der #Medizin an der #Universitatsmedizin #Mainz. Ab 18:15 Uhr im Hörsaal RW1 der #JGU und demnächst als Aufzeichnung.
It seems this activity has been going on since 3 May
First issues with this incident response: zero communications with their user base. I had to go digging just to find this support portal wiki page.
Second issue: this is not spam but likely phishing. Use the correct terms folks.
Well #freecycle is still dealing with the incident.
two more "user verification" email waves in the last 24 hours. One at 6:30 PT and one at 0500 PT.
Does not seem like #freecycle folks are handling this well - though all messages are removed as they were previously.
what vulnerability is being exploited?
It looks like is dealing with a security incident
Multiple responses to postings, all with what appears to be automated accounts with gibberish usernames of punctuation, capital letters, and numbers. The activity started last night around midnight PT, and continues - most recent being 40 minutes ago.
The messages have been deleted with the message:
system notifier
There are no messages in this thread.
This issue after the recent data breach, I have to wonder what problems #freecyle is dealing with.
#spammers #scammers #malicious #suspectfiles #malware #triage #ioc #_ioc #infosec #informationSecurity #IncidentResponce #IR #spam #infosec #infomantionSecurity #virustotal #ABUSE
Am Set des Großstadtrevier-Films
Der neue Großstadtrevier-Film "Triage" entsteht in und um Hamburg, in dem Maria Ketikidou die Hauptrolle spielt.
Semesterstart! Allen an der #JGU und überall ein schönes Sommersemsester und interessante Veranstaltungen.
Das #Studiumgenerale hier in Mainz bietet wieder #dataliteracy|-Kurse zu #Python, #Webscraping, #digitalen #Editionen u.a. für Studierende aller Fächer. Kommt vorbei!
Außerdem zwei spannende öffentliche Reihen - eine zur Entwicklung und Zukunft der #Urbanität und eine zur #Medizinethik, mit unserer Stiftungsgastprofessorin Bettina Schöne-Seifert. Sie spricht mit Gästen über #Organspende, #Enhancement, #Triage und viele andere Themen. Infos hier
Went to the ER yesterday (tooth pain, obvious infection, dentist closed for Cesar Chaves day) and made an observation related to proposed #VoterID laws and Systemic #Racism.
My pain was extreme but it wasn't life threatening so I knew that in #triage I would take lower priority so I sat near the checkin desk to hear other people's complaints so I could better guesstimate my wait time.
I did not like what happened.
@eloquence @renchap @Gargron for now issue seems to have #bug tag but it is still in the queue for #triage
@DaywalkingRedhead I dunno, I went to the ER for a minor issue last week and was out in record time. They told me that there weren't any patients in the waiting room because of a nursing shortage.
McDonald's doesn't do #triage but when they're short staffed the wait times increase. Hospitals run more efficiently when short staffed?
For a minor injury the remarkable wait time almost inspired me stress test the system by sending in a bunch of injured people...
@ArtBear @JohnLoader6 @jacqui76 @harriettmb @Cbfoley
True - we killed the risk group in the 2nd wave after the reopening of the stadiums in June 2020. In August, our experts and members of the government said we had forgotten how to die. Well, in September we learned. Half the victims died at home. The ambulance
never came when physicians and hospitals were informed of your age or pre-existing conditions. #Triage.
Not intended for third quarter status purposes, but maybe of interest: Bugzilla counts were recorded on 19th October 2023.
Reports in Bugzilla that were new, open, or in progress (by product):
— 7,488 base system
— 3 community
— 606 documentation
— 3,083 ports and packages
— 163 services.
Today, 5th November (by status):
— 5,208 new
— 5,497 open
— 648 in progress.
@nuncamind posting to #triage-fomo
Ja, die gibt es.
Statt klar zu kommunizieren wie da Lage ist, was möglich ist und was nicht und zu schauen wie man die Personalsituation stabilisiert rufen Politik, Medien, Krankenkassen, Ärztevertreter und Arbeitgeber laut "The Show must go on" und halten am dysfunktionalem System fest, was in den Abgrund rauscht.
Darunter leiden Menschen, erleiden Komplikationen und sterben weil sie nicht versorgt werden können.
Triage in der Pflege: Heime und Wissenschaftler schlagen Alarm
Viele ältere Patienten belegen bundesweit Klinikbetten. Für sie kann nicht rechtzeitig eine Anschluss-Versorgung gefunden werden. Viele Pflegeheime nehmen schwierige Patienten nicht mehr auf. Experten sprechen von Triage. Von Gottlob Schober.