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Today in Labor History March 9, 1911: Frank Little and other free-speech fighters were released from jail in Fresno, California, where they had been fighting for the right to speak to and organize workers on public streets. Little was a Cherokee miner and IWW union organizer. He helped organize oil workers, timber workers and migrant farm workers in California. He participated in free speech fights in Missoula, Spokane and Fresno, and helped pioneer many of the passive resistance techniques later used by the Civil Rights movement. He was also an anti-war activist, calling U.S. soldiers “Uncle Sam’s scabs in uniforms.” 1917, he helped organize the Speculator Mine strike in Butte, Montana. Vigilantes broke into his boarding house, dragged him through the streets while tied to the back of a car, and then lynched him from a railroad trestle. Prior to Little’s assassination, Author Dashiell Hammett had been asked by the Pinkerton Detective Agency to murder him. Hammett declined.

Read my full bio of Frank Little here:

#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #union #strike #freespeech #indigenous #nativeamerican #cherokee #franklittle #civilrights #nonviolence #racism #vigilantes #lynching #author #writer #fiction #books @bookstadon

Replied in thread


Refusing to fight an enemy who's trying to harm you won't make your enemy lose control. It'll allow them to proceed to harm you, free from any prevention on your part. You twisted Sun Tzu's quote to fit your pacifist narrative even though Sun Tzu wasn't a pacifist. He wrote an entire book called "The Art of War." Have you even read it? He believed in minimizing conflict whenever possible, which is smart, not pacifism, which is the opposite.

Replied to Woodsrunner


I assume that since you're an anarchist, that means you want the abolishment of the state. If that's your intended goal for humanity to achieve one day in the future, pacifism and nonviolence will only prevent that from becoming a reality. Pacifism and nonviolence are tools the ruling class of our society use to prevent the workers that could otherwise easily overthrow them from doing so. Pacifism and nonviolence only benefit the ruling class.

#resist #pacifism #nonviolence #anarchism #christiananarchism

As a former USMC infantryman (1977-1991) who left the Marines as a #consciencious_objector, I have first-hand witness to the futility of violence. Unless you are willing to wipe out your "enemy" completely, the risk of reprisal is always there.
I will be the first to admit that religion, when subservient to the state, is a major tool in war and oppression. For the Christian church it does not matter if you are Roman Catholic, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, Evangelical or Anabaptist, they all are complicit.

But I still hold to the Way of Jesus, as did the Berrigans.


Center for Action and Contemplation · Sitting with RealityMirabai Starr shares what she learned about the nonviolent direct actions of Jesuit peace activist Father Daniel Berrigan (1921–2016). Inspired by

I'm little slow on this but here's my January literary loot from @pmpress :

Peace by Peace: 99 Steps Toward Violence Prevention and De-escalation cc: @timhollo

The Housing Monster: an illustrated essay that takes a wholistic look at the housing problems we face

Favela Resistance: Urban Periphery, Pacification, and the Struggle for Food Sovereignty

Here's nonviolence expert and trainer Daniel Hunter's analysis of the recent "economic blackout" that was attempted in the U.S. His conclusion is that although there were some potential positive outcomes as a starting attempt, it lacked multiple elements necessary for a successful boycott.

Waging Nonviolence · The economic boycott caught fire. What's next?The economic blackout on Feb. 28 was an important first step. But future boycotts will require these ingredients to be effective.

The folks at are back with new content! They've launched the Resist List, a growing list of examples of noncooperation with the Trump/Musk coup:

The bottom of the page also lists four additional noncooperation databases.

Choose DemocracyResist ListNoncooperation Database DELVE DEEPER WITH MOVEMENT RESEARCHERS’ DATABASES AND COMPILATIONS OF ACTION Researcher Jeremy Pressman is writing semi-regular reports about...

About a fortnight ago, a fellow fediversian posted, what I would call supportive advice, but it is now vanished (at least for me). An online search found

In the current circumstances the last (unnumbered) pragraph of the post mentioned there seems most important to me.

#politics #regime #government #society #strategy #NonViolence #justice #resistance #awareness #dignity - I hope I didn't go overboard with the tags ;-)

Truth or Fiction? · ‘Daughter of MLK and Coretta Scott King Posted This Advice as the...In July 2020, a list containing advice attributed to Bernice King began circulating on Facebook.

"The Afro-American militant is a 'militant' because he defends himself, his family, his home, and his dignity. He does not introduce violence into a racist social system - the violence is already there, and has always been there. It is precisely this unchallenged violence that allows a racist social system to perpetuate itself. When people say that they are opposed to Negroes 'resorting to violence' what they really mean is that they are opposed to Negroes defending themselves and challenging the exclusive monopoly of violence practiced by white racists."

- Robert F. Williams, "Negroes with Guns"

"Peaceful revolution" is a blatant lie

If you are on the left & try to keep zones of deliberate ignorance for various reasons because searching for truth/knowing truth in certain area has a potential to undermine the prejudices/ignorant views we hold, the beliefs we want to be true no matter what, we will always be operating with our hands tied behind our back.

Learning the truth even if its bitter is an important step for us to think & act as honestly as one can (we dont always succeed when it comes to honesty, but we can atleast try to be as much honest as possible) in every situation.

Let me take an example to illustrate my point concretely.

If we cant defend violence which will eventually form part of every revolution, defending violence from revolutionary point of view, you are either not interested in revolution that has to happen for Anarchy to emerge or you are only interested in engaging in sophistry or wilful ignorance or wishful thinking. None of them will help us reach Anarchy.

Anarchy will never happen by the electoral scam, no matter how many "laws", "constitutional amendments" & "reforms" are proposed by "progressives" as all the "reforms" are mirages to build legitimacy for existing violent & rotten hierarchical systems of domination. You cant dismantle enemy's house with enemy's tools, in a field that enemy has deliberately rigged in his favour. You have to operate outside that frame of reference to be able to see the con, build power outside that rotten system, to delegitimize the system & delegitimize all powerful actors in the system, to have a chance at taking down the system.

To those who write articles, fill reams & reams of pages about Anarchy, while being adverse to violence, the hard questions they need to answer are these:

* How will you reach Anarchy without a revolution?
* How can you have a revolution without violence, as revolution inverses power relationships, why would existing parasites (who control resources, violence & systematically control mind of most peasants in society) give up their power voluntarily, without putting up violent resistance?
* Then, does it not follow that your so called "peaceful revolution" dogma is nothing but a patent lie?

Even before revolution starts, during revolution & after revolution, all existing parasites that currently hoard resources, weapons, organised + semi-organized goons & reactionary tools of collective mind control i.e propaganda channels aka media, religion, etc will be mobilized against those of us who want a society without domination.

How will you stop those parasites, goons & segments of indoctrinated without violence (or) threat of massive collective violence peasants on our side are willing to engage in — if those who hoard resources & massive violence in society today tries to stop our revolution?

Another thing one need to acknowledge honestly is this:

Revolutions always come with a massive death count, even if your favorite Anarchist/Anarchist publication doesnt talk about it. (or) Some of them actively try undermine violence i.e act in counter revolutionary manner. There is no way around violence (self-defense form of violence) if we want drastic change in social relationships, which is what Anarchy entails.

People will give up ill-gotten stuff only when the price they pay for not giving up that is much greater. Tho its a Capitalist equation, end of the day, its a simple profit & loss equation. They will only giveup what they already stole in existing system, only if they value their life more than they care about the ill-gotten wealth they lose post revolution.

They will see sense, only when their lives are in serious jeopardy, if they try to defend the ill-gotten monopoly over resources that they acquired in existing systems of organized thievery. And they will not believe in words to give up that ill-gotten wealth, if you ask nicely (or) "rationally" enough, but they will only accept when there are live demonstrations of what happens if they dont give up. That beheadings in France were live demonstrations to achieve that effect. It was done by reactionaries, but the underlying point is the demonstration effect of what happens to existing parasites if they dont voluntarily give up unjust power they usurped before.

No existing parasite (no matter what they say as to how "kind" & "generous" they are in media) is going to agree with you, if you want to strip them of the ill-gotten wealth.

So, an additional important thing to know & acknowledge that if a revolution were to happen, if we participate in such a revolution, we will lose many comrades. Its not if, but when & who.

If revolution were to happen, if you & I are defending against forces of reaction on the ground, who knows whether you & I will be alive (or) not by the end of it? So, violence is a given & large scale death is a given incl our own (if we are part of the ground force defending revolution). The only thing we know is there will be other survivors who reap the fruits of the sacrifices of those who gave their life to defend the revolution.

So, pretending one can somehow get a better society, one can somehow breakaway from the clutches of all existing parasites (spread thru out society) without a revolution via so called "peaceful revolution" (no matter what PR variation this name takes) is a patent lie.

Revolution without violence is akin to saying you will make an omelette without breaking the egg.

If revolution were to happen (can only happen if there is collective rebellion all across society, cannot happen by acts of few radicals, altho few radicals might act as catalysts, and that can happen only when large % of society are pissed off & skeptical of existing political parasitic arrangement, can only happen if all major power centers in existing system are thoroughly delegitimized — which are prerequisites for a revolution), all we can do is make sure peasants are physically prepared to face wrath of existing parasites, have freely available material to know what they are fighting for & why they are fighting, are psychologically prepared that death & bodily harm is a possibility, but such risk is worth it if we can get rid of parasites & live in a society free of structural domination.

If revolution were to happen, the best we can do is proving to the enemy that we will defend our newer way of life, not at rhetorical level, but in the field & willing to sacrifice to defend that new way of life — free from domination — that we desire.

But, if we engage in acts that prove we are fully committed to defending our way of life — free from domination of man by man — and are mentally prepared to shed blood (inevitable), the bestcase scenario is, the enemy might not think it can win without large scale slaughter. If they do engage in large scale slaughter, they will lose any legitimacy they want to have after the slaughter ends.

So, large scale rebellion followed by willingness to defend new domination free communities can make the death count significantly less, as now not only does the enemy worry about slaughtering so many of us, but also they have to worry about the backlash that they receive from their own unfree society, even if they succeed.

In conclusion, being honest with oneself as to what revolution entails & knowing what Anarchy would require is useful. Knowing what it is that we desire i.e goals & what at the top level things that we can never avoid, is always good to know so no one is missing the important variables in question.

Once we know the variables, those who want to pursue the ends will see what steps we need to take at an individual & collective level to ensure we are moving towards those longterm goals (such as firearm training, preparing coherent arguments for our ideology rather than euphemistic/illusory rhetoric …). In otherwords, we take concrete steps to cover all bases.

We will only succeed if we make ourselves inevitable, not hoping good will happen with enough rhetoric (which is what I am engaging in this post — but some rhetorical ramblings will have bits of honesty & thought clarity embedded in them).