"But laughter is also characterized by repetition. In fact, given the extraordinary variability in the sounds people make when they laugh, repetition is what makes laughter universally recognizable." —Kirsten Bell for @SAPIENS_org
"But laughter is also characterized by repetition. In fact, given the extraordinary variability in the sounds people make when they laugh, repetition is what makes laughter universally recognizable." —Kirsten Bell for @SAPIENS_org
#tiefgründig #imkerei #humor #gesellschaft #bienen #zeitmanagement #reflektieren #weisheiten #spaß #lachen #satire #memes #beekeeping #dunkle_Seite_der_Imkerei #funny #laughing #schlaf #ironie #zeitgeist #schmäh #lenggrieserhonigmanufaktur #apiculture #meme #sticheln #worklifebalance #honig #landwirtschaft #gaudi #sleep
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#Gaslighting is no #laughing #matter, #folks!
#Comedy #NewsJokes #DailyJokes #AIHumor #AILaughs
Kaley Cuoco catches up with Today | Today Show Australia https://www.inbella.com/773594/kaley-cuoco-catches-up-with-today-today-show-australia/ #AustraliaNews #BestOfKarl #BestOfKarlStefanovic #FemaleCelebrities #funny #FunnyLiveTv #FunnyMoments #FunnyTv #FunnyVideo #FunnyViral #hilarious #HostsTodayShow #KaleyCuoco #Karl #KarlFunny #KarlStefanovic #KarlStefanovicShow #KarlStefanovicTvShow #KarlToday #laugh #laughing #Today #TodayAustralia #TodayShowAustralia #TodayShowAustraliaHosts #TodayShowFunny #TodayShowHosts #trending #viral
Digital painting: Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema!
#kunst #contemporaryArt #mentalCinema #digitalPainting #virtualPainting #aiAssistedArt #digitalArt #saveBioDiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #noAFD #NoRacism #NoFascism #humanrights #humanDignity #Нетвойны #architecture #bridge #drawing #sketch #astronaut #happiness #goodLuck #laughing #spaceSuit #spaceTravel #oldWhiteMan #eyesClosed #contemplation #rawboned #bigEye #watchingYou
Research shows that when people laugh together, their brain waves align, particularly in regions associated with emotional processing. This synchrony creates a sense of connectedness and fosters trust, which helps build relationships.
What is your funniest word mix-up?
Featuring Pencil Apple Pencil Skin https://istyles.com/m/applepencil-mixupwords
Laughing Kamala: A Medievalist’s Perspective https://www.medievalists.net/2024/10/laughing-kamala-a-medievalists-perspective/ #politics #medievalism #laughing
@jeffowski #laughing at the ceiling.
In case you have misplaced your #autumn #ToDoList, here is a handy reminder from #TheodoraGoss
I love that checking on #frogs is first, that #laughing at your own #jokes (& sharing them with #spiders) is included, and #cycling into town for #books & #IceCream is specified with your scarf flying behind you, and - oh so many other good things.
A lovely, *lovely* gentle essay, and perfect for my mood this time of year.
Published by @UncannyMagazine , 2023
Digital painting: Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema!
#kunst #contemporaryArt #mentalCinema #digitalPainting #virtualPainting #aiAssistedArt #digitalArt #saveBioDiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #noAFD #NoRacism #NoFascism #humanrights #humanDignity #Нетвойны #oldWoman #soupPlate #milk #hippo #astronaut #laughing #laughter #spaceSuit #flag #europe #eu #dancingDeath #mementoMori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #mortality
I'm seriously sitting over here laughing right now.
Why you ask? Because some silly @net_run reported my good morning post and claimed it to be an AI Prompter of all things.
Yet I've been doing these posts for well over two years here without a single issue.
People seriously crack me up with their cluelessness at times.
Surely they have something better in life to do.
#JDVance #downplays #Trump #dinner with #HolocaustDenier
The #Republican #vicepresidential #nominee disavowed #WhiteNationalist #NickFuentes, a #whitesupremacist, and called him a ‘#totalloser’, then tried to #Laughing claim that #WhiteSupremacy has no room in the #Maga #movement — That's all that MAGA is about.
#NancyPelosi #burstoutlaughing after being #asked if #Trump #screwedthepooch by #picking #JDVance
"I think it was a #great #choice," Pelosi responded before bursting out #laughing.