KIRBYVISION: Jack Kirby, Genius and Pioneer of Comics, Documentary Announced!
Director Ricki Stern teams with Producers Dan Braun & Josh Braun of Submarine Entertainment, Mike Cecchini, Ron Fogelman, and Chris Longo on long-awaited, official documentary feature on the life, legacy, and influence of Jack Kirby, the legendary King of Comics.
#documentary #film #jack kirby
Jack Prince (singer)
Explore Jack Prince (singer) on aéPiot's platform. Jack Prince (singer)
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Trends Tue, 04 Mar 2025 21:24:41 +0000: #MarketFrankford | #Line
_The Evening Post_, 28 February 1925:
The early history of #broadcasting in New Zealand is already interesting. “Electron,” in the #Dunedin “Star,” writing on the experimental work in that city by Dr. #Jack, says that this put New Zealand ahead of both England and America in early broadcasting Dr. Jack returned from England early in 1921, and at once commenced to get together apparatus to conduct research in #radio telephony. By October, 1921, he had his transmitter assembled and on the air. Although radio telephony was used during the war, and also during 1920 various experiments were conducted in England, it was not till 14th February, 1922, that the first transmission from the first broadcasting station … took place; while in America, the first broadcasting station … was … still experimenting when Dr. Jack started …. in New Zealand there are so few facilities for original research, and it is so difficult to obtain both apparatus and data to work from, that Dr. Jack's work deserves the highest recognition … paving the way … and bringing before the Government the possibilities of radio in our country.
Biography in the DNZB
My Pixel 6a has no jack so I bought 3 usb-c/jack adaptators last year. They have been really unreliable since then and now are pretty useless. I mostly listen to #music (connected to wired earphones/headphones or my old car radio).
I'm disgusted and have no idea what to buy now. I don't like the idea of another disposable battery equipment but don't see any other solution.
Any idea? Any recommandation for wireless #earphones or portable adapters, both with quality sound?
#jack #hifi #smartphones
in continuation of :
alright, and now for the stuff to gawk at.
first, here is it walking the dependency tree described by the PE import sections
(almost makes you feel like a #javascript bundler is a #linker by any other name...)
Serie: Zusammenspielen - Latenz
In dieser Serie geht es um die technischen Herausforderungen, die das gemeinsame Musizieren über das Internet mit sich bringen. Erst einmal geht es um die Grundlagen.
#Musik #Musizieren #Zusammenspiel #Audio #Latenz #ALSA #JACK #PipeWire #Linux
I‘m heads down in planning a new project for later this year…while I’m setting up a full #foss #audio system based on #debian, I was asking myself #Jack or #pipewire ?? I will be live playing with #TidalCyles and #supercollier, so no recording…what’s your thoughts?
Is Xi’s Sudden Embrace of Business for Real? China Is Left Guessing. #AlibabaGroupHoldingLtd #ArtificialIntelligence #business #China #DeepSeekArtificialIntelligenceCoLtd #EconomicConditionsAndTrends #entrepreneurship #jack #LiangWenfeng #m&a #StartUps #XiJinping
Reverb Machine DX100 Factory Set For Arturia DX7 V And Analog Lab [FREE]
After 140 years, Jack the Ripper's identity is said to be revealed after testing DNA from a shawl found at a murder scene.
#Jack #Ripper #Historian #MastIndia #MastodonIndians #India @mastodonindians
The ASIO Audio Test Signal Generator Test Signal Generator by TropicalCoder Standalone Windows Free
This is #jack, my 70s era puffy jacket I only bring out from storage for the one or two weeks we get real deep winter conditions in #kamloops.
Jack is so big he doesn't fit in the closet so he gets a bench to himself.
Jack often startles me as I see out of the corner of my eye an unexpected 'person' sitting in the living room.
I've been using Linux on my desktop for nearly 30 years and i still don't understand how to get sound working properly and reliably.
Searching for some kind of distro-agnostic 2025 Linux audio general best practices guide... What should I be using (ALSA, jack, pulse, pipewire?), how can I configure multiple sound devices (onboard, HDMI, USB, Bluetooth), set my preferred inputs and outputs and levels on each, toggle between them properly, and have those settings persist after logout, reboot, or removal/addition of devices?
Hay tanta documentacion de como se hacia antes de #PipeWire en #Linux, que cuesta horrores encontrar como se hace ahora. Una vez lo encuentras, facil: Arrancar todos los programas de #jack con el wrapper pw-jack: pe. `pw-jack -p 512 ardour` (lo de `-p 512` es para evitar latencias de una corchea). Y en vez del #qjackctl para conectar programas, #qpwgraph. Si pw es el camino, igual deberiamos de hacer algo para que el wrapper no sea necesario. No es muy #userfriendly.
NEW #startsmall tracker: Jack Dorsey's spreadsheet documenting his charitable donation program. $723M so far in direct gifts. Altruism that is actually effective.
#jackdorsey #donation #charity #twitter #jack #+
avast ye scurvy docs, it's not like it totally works yet but i think it's about time to introduce you to the results of the past has it been another fucking month already.
this is #tek, the prototype #daw in #rust for the #linux #tui environment. it aspires to be the missing link for the entire #jack ecosystem, but right now it strives to become a damn good #midi #sequencer.
Curso de Síntesis de Sonido y Pure Data
Clases particulares
(inscripciones abiertas)
Link en bio
Por medio del software libre Pure Data descubriremos
las distintas maneras en que un computador puede
generar sonido.
Conoceremos los aspectos básicos para construir
herramientas de proceso sonoro, análisis e
instrumentos virtuales.
No es necesario tener conocimientos previos, el
desarrollo del curso se adapta a cada estudiante.
El curso se compone de unidades progresivas
organizadas en un Ciclo Inicial y un Ciclo de
Contenidos Avanzados .
Cada unidad se compone de 4 sesiones de 55 minutos.
Valor de la unidad CLP 80.000 o USD 120,00 (PayPal)
Modalidad: en línea
Información e inscripciones:
dm de Instagram @oscarsantis
+56 9 75802965
(whatsapp, telegram, signal)