Use iperf3 to measure the network throughput between two Linux nodes effortlessly as follows: @fedora @opensuse
On server: iperf3 -s
On client: iperf3 -c <SERVER_IP>
#ZikTIPS #Linuxtips $Networking #LinuxTechTips #Linux #Opensource
Use iperf3 to measure the network throughput between two Linux nodes effortlessly as follows: @fedora @opensuse
On server: iperf3 -s
On client: iperf3 -c <SERVER_IP>
#ZikTIPS #Linuxtips $Networking #LinuxTechTips #Linux #Opensource
Record audio from a microphone on a Linux system using gstreamer @gstreamer @fedora @opensuse @archlinux
gst-launch-1.0 alsasrc ! audioconvert ! lamemp3enc ! filesink location=recorded.mp3
On a Linux system, use the "nohup" utility to execute one-time commands or scripts that can run later, even after you log out of your terminal session @opensuse
@fedora @debian
Example: To schedule a one-time script to run 15 minutes after you disconnect from the terminal:
nohup bash -c "(sleep 900 && ./" &
Use the following Linux command to create a file with a specific access and modification timestamp @fedora @opensuse @archlinux
touch -t [FILE]
e.g. For a file named mytalk.txt March 10, 2025 at 9AM:
touch -t 202503100900 mytalk.txt
To verify:
stat -c "%x%y" mytalk.txt.
Use the following Linux command to get the make, model and revision of your raspberry Pi @RaspberryPi
#ZikTIPs #RaspberryPi #DIY #CLI #Linux #Opensource
cat /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model
️To run a Linux systemd service every day at midnight and every three hours thereafter, use the following use the following stanza in your systemd timer #ZikTIPS #Systemd #Sysadmin #CLI #Linux #opensource
OnCalendar=*-*-* 00/3:00:00
Happy #SysAdminDay
Display a list of 10 files with the largest size in your home directory #ZikTIPs #CLI #Linux #Opensource @fedora @opensuse @debian
find $HOME -type f -exec ls -lh {} \; | sort -k 5 -rh | head -n 10
Are you having difficulty wrapping your head around the OnCalendar pattern in systemd timers?
Simply use the command:
systemd-analyze calendar "[TIME-PATTERN]" e.g.
systemd-analyze calendar "hourly"
TIP: Cut out all the fuss - Quickly write an installation image (ISO) to a USB thumb drive using this simple command on Linux:
dd if=Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-37-1.7.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=8M status=progress oflag=direct
TIP: Get the lyrics of a song using the following Linux command:
lyrics -t "SONG_TITLE" "ARTIST"
For example to get lyrics for: So Hard to Tell by Debby Friday, enter:
lyrics -t "So Hard to Tell" "Debby Friday"
NOTE: Use 'pip install lyrics-in-terminal' to get the lyrics tool on your system.
TIP: Quickly change the splash screen you see when booting your Linux PC:
sudo plymouth-set-default-theme -R spinner
NOTE: To see all available themes:
sudo plymouth-set-default-theme -l
Want to know who sang that song you just heard?
Use SongRec, a #Shazam-like client for Linux that recognizes music that is playing